Wednesday, October 6, 2010

My Superpower

If I could choose a superpower, I'd have the superpower to fly. Driving is already a means of escape to me and flying would be an even greater one. I don't like where I'm at at the moment and I'm always looking for a way to escape. Flying would be just that way. Even though it's a "superpower", I wouldn't use it for the good of other people. I wouldn't; that's just not me. I'm an egoist and pretty selfish. Yes by some miracle I got this power but I'm only using it to benefit me. I'd fly to another state whenever I want to. First, I'd probably go visit my cousins in Texas and spend some time there. If I don't feel at home, then I'll move on. I'll be a nomad, a high-end nomad though. I'd have the opportunity to steal and get whatever I want because I have the means of flying away and the police can't follow me. Where will I stay? I can really stay wherever I want/ I can get a credit card and rent a hotel room and fly away before anyone realizes I have to pay for it. Fly away, seems like I really want to do a lot of that. Well I do. I want to fly away. I want to have wings to fly, like birds. The sky has no limit; it's endless with no boundaries. I crave that. I want to fly away and find where I belong. Most people would call it running away but, it's definitely not a crime. I don't feel guilty that I have a superpower and don't use it to help people. I'm not a superhero nor do I want to be a superhero. I don't want to be a villain either. People shouldn't depend on me because I don't depend on them. My wings and ability to fly would be my own and I'll do whatever I want with them.

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