Sunday, October 24, 2010

Plan B

Plan A…Plan A…Plan A. Is useless. How could this be? We were ready to capture the most wanted man in the FBI hit list, Vincenzo Scarface, when the tables were turned on us. Scarface and his gang now know of the whole plan of capturing him on the coast of Maui when his ship arrived. We’ve lost all communication with headquarters and we’re stuck 30 miles south of the coast in our own small boat waiting for Scarface to attack us, unless we figure out a new plan. This had to have been an inside job, it just had to! No one else knew about Operation: Beach Party. But, alas, that is a problem best solved another time. Right now, we had to think of what to do next and it was up to me to think of Plan B. What can we do? Hmm..well, here’s a thought; we could sit here and wait for the next cruise ship to pass by and flag down the captain to let us aboard. But what if no ships come? We can’t just wait here like sitting ducks. We could just get to Maui and reorganize there. Yes, there we go. Here’s Plan B; we sail the boat to the other side of the Maui coast. It may take longer than simply going north and hitting the coast but we can’t risk Scarface intercepting us or waiting for us there. Once we reach the shore, we book a hotel using fake names and pay cash so no suspicion will be aroused by credit card information.  Once we are settled in, we’ll contact headquarters and wait for our next directions or wait until they get us out of here. Ok, seems like a good plan. Wish us luck.

My Ideal Vacation

What is my ideal vacation? Well, that’s a hard question to answer because it changes every day! Some days I want to go to Europe, other days I want to go to Hawaii, and then others I want to explore New York. I think the best definition of an ideal vacation for me would be a space of time where I have no responsibilities, I can explore and learn new things, and I have unlimited resources to do it. I basically want somewhere where I can relax and not deal with any trivial matters. Today, for instance, I want to vacation in Hawaii. I have been to Hawaii before and I fell in love with it the minute I stepped off the plane. It’s so peaceful and serene that it just begs you to relax and unwind. My dream vacation to Hawaii would be about a month and I would visit all 7 islands and stay a few days (or weeks) at each one. I would check into the most luxurious hotel and have them have my personal suite ready for me when I arrive. Yes, I did say personal because I really don’t want to have anyone accompany on this trip. I have no problems making friends so if I feel lonely, I’ll do something about it. Otherwise, it’ll just be me, myself, and Fehbe. At each island I would go to the nearest beach, walk around the boardwalks, and eat macadamia nuts to my heart’s desire. I can’t forget my daily routine of GTL either, so of course I would tan, jog around the beach as my workout, and have my laundry done, or by new clothes. Most importantly, I would relax! I am so high strung and stressed out at the moment that my body just wants to lay down under a palm tree, sip a pina colada, and call it a day, every day.  That is my dream vacation.


Obesity is a grave concern in American society. One in every five preschoolers in America is obese? What does that say about our culture? Such high statistics give America a view of a “fat country”. For the most part it is true, seeing as how we feel a need to have a fast food restaurant at every corner and donut shop in every community. The rest of the world continues to view America as being unhealthy and Americans as fat and lazy citizens. Even inside our own country do obese Americans face discrimination. Children have to deal with cruel and malicious bullying and torment from other children in the school. They have low-self esteem and oftentimes take out their stress by engaging in overeating, adding to their already grotesque weight. Adults also face ridicule in the workplace and from their own family members who view their weight problems as self-inflicted. Health problems that arise from obesity are also a main cause for concern. Obese people are more prone to heart attacks, diabetes, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, and other severe health problems. The abundance of calories can turn into fat in the body, clog the vital arteries that pump blood into the heart, and cause blood clots or cardiac arrest. Therefore, it is also easier for an obese person to suddenly die. Psychological health concerns are also common in obese people. Years of ridicule due to their weight results in low-self esteem, depression, and eating disorders used to lose weight such as anorexia and bulimia. Suicides among obese people are also more prevalent because they have nothing more to lose than the pounds that consume their lives; thus, why not lose their lives if they can’t lose the pounds?


The saying “opposites attract” was mainly introduced to describe the attractive nature of magnets. However, it can be used to describe ways humans interact. It is no secret that not all the 6 billion people on this Earth will end up becoming allies, much less friends. Yet, there are two reasons why people from different interests and back ground can become civil allies. The first is if one person has something that the other desires. For example, say my father is the owner is the most exclusive nightclub in Los Angeles and there is a girl who I do not particularly that needs to find an affordable and adequate place to host her mother’s wedding. I know that my father can lower the otherwise extravagant price for renting his nightclub if the person is a friend of mine. I also know that this girl’s mother is an admission’s representative at the college I would love to attend. Therefore, since I need to attend that college and the girl needs an affordable wedding venue, we can put our differences aside to help each other. The other reason is mere survival. Sometimes we need to put aside our differences in order to survive in rather hostile environments. For example, during World War II, the Jewish community was being persecuted by Hitler’s Regime however many different ethnic groups including non-native Germans also faced persecution. It would have been extremely difficult for a Jewish family to survive on their own in comparison to a Jewish family who teamed up with a German family. The Jews had every reason to dislike the Germans during the war, yet both sides knew their chance of survival-however small it may be- would increase if the learned to coexist with each other and become allies.

Outdoor Living

If you lived your whole life in the city, you might be particular to the fast paced life of your fellow city dwellers. Likewise, if you spent your entire life in the outdoors, you might be aghast at how city slickers live. Therefore, my apartment dwelling friend, you might be surprised and a little astonished as I describe my everyday life to you. I wake up every morning to the sun’s warm rays in my face; I couldn’t ask for a better alarm clock than that. I live in a quaint cottage in the middle of a lush green forest. I wake up and jump into the nearby river of my cottage for my morning shower. It may be the most brutal part of my morning in the winter but it’s perfect in the summer. After I “shower” I go back into my cottage and find my outfit for the day. Then I take a pleasant stroll through the forest and say hi to all the woodland creatures I spy. My favorite is the little caramel-colored chipmunk named Henry; he is always willing to walk with me. Then I gather fruit from the trees and vegetables from my own little garden so I can make my lunch. Yes, my cottage does have gas, but it’s all natural gas made from canola oil made from the canola that I grow in my garden. I make a delicious fruit and vegetable salad and wash it down with homemade fruit juice. Then I take a nap until perhaps the late afternoon. Once the sun is about to set, I climb to the roof of my cottage and watch the sun set behind the ominous mountains in a colorful spectacle of pinks, yellows, oranges, and purples. That, my friend, is the end of a carefree day in the outdoors.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Images-In Class Assignment

I see the warm colors of an island sunset. I see pinks, oranges, yellows, and at the top, a smudge of purple. I hear the soft and tranquil sounds of the calm ocean. The breeze ruffles the palm tree's leaves. I hear the beautiful and loud silence. The picture gives me a sense of calmness and serenity. It makes me wish for an escape from my stressful life. I feel calm, with a strong desire to travel. It inspires me to go out and experience nature. I taste the salty air.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Good Habits

Prompt: Good habits improve our physical, emotional, and/or financial health. Select one of your good habits and write an essay persuading readers to make that habit a part of their lives.
            One look around a playground and you can easily spot more overweight children than there are healthy children. The problem of obesity isn’t confines to elementary school age children either; it is a widespread problem in middle and high school environments as well. It’s disgusting and discouraging to see the young people of America fall prey to the unrelenting jaws of fast food and junk food. Yet, there is a simple solution to this problem and it begins with accepting and applying good eating habits to your life. By eating more fruits and vegetables and cutting out excess junk food, youth and adults alike can lead healthy lives and prevent the onset of obesity.
            At the beginning of the year 2006, I made a resolution to cut out soda and all soft drinks from my diet for at least one year. Needless to say, I kept this resolution and it has become a lifestyle change for me because I was delighted with the benefits I reaped. Admittedly, I did lose weight but I also had more energy and my skin almost glowed due to my replacement drink of choice, water. Soda has been proven to be one of the strongest culprits in excessive weight gain and the reason for this is because it is readily available everywhere. It’s cheaper to buy than a bottle of water and it is even in conveniently located vending machines. However, its high sugar content contributes to the stored sugar we have in our bodies and that converts to undesirable fat. Thus, the more soda we drink, the more sugar and calories our bodies store, the fatter we become. By eliminating, or simply reducing, the amount of soda we drink every day, we can begin to make changes that will improve our health and shed unnecessary and unhealthy pounds.
            The USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans states that a healthy diet emphasizes an abundance of colorful fruits and vegetables. The reason for this is fruits and vegetables are high in all the necessary vitamins and minerals our bodies need on a daily basis to function correctly. Perhaps you may say that multivitamins are an alternative to eating healthy food; however, multivitamins are important to supply the nutrients you don’t get from your daily diet but they must not substitute natural produce. From my own experience, when I consume fruits and vegetables more so than processed foods, I lose the urge to over eat or binge on other unhealthy food that may make cause my weight to skyrocket. Junk food such as chips and ice cream, for example, have little to no nutritional value when compared to, say, an apple or broccoli. Therefore, the junk food we consume can be classified as “empty calories” that simply only supply calories and sugar instead of much need nutrients that fruits and vegetables give us.
            You might ask yourself, why should I make a habit of eating healthier and foregoing the way I have learned to eat over the years? The most obvious and crucial answer is that when you don’t lead a healthy lifestyle, you are more prone to harmful diseases and health defects. Obesity can occur when you decide to negate to choose healthy food choices and regular exercise. This can lead to diseases such as heart disease, high cholesterol, or diabetes.  If you are obese, you are more likely to develop type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and triglycerides, coronary artery disease (CAD), stroke, and sleep apnea, among other conditions” (WebMd). If you lose weight, your risk of these diseases is lowered. Leading a sedentary lifestyle full of unhealthy food choices can increase your risk of obesity and consequently your risk of other diseases that can ultimately lead to death.
            Junk foods are inevitable factors in our lives because their processed and easy availability fit out hectic lifestyle. However, if we continuously consume these foods, we will gain weight and are at risk for being overweight and eventually, obese. By adopting my idea of a good habit of choosing healthy food choices such as fruits, vegetables, and water, we can all lower our risk of this unfortunate disease and help prevent the coming of other diseases as well. It can be as simple as adding an apple to your lunch or drinking a bottle of water instead of soda at dinner. If we all make these small and simple lifestyle changes, we have the opportunity to live longer, healthier lives.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Don't Take Away our Field Trips!

An adequate education combines ample class instructional time and sufficient outside instructional exposure. This includes bookwork and interactive teaching in the classroom as well as taking class outings. It is a fact that taking students on field trips is expensive and in this time of economic deficiency, schools are looking for ways to save money. However, is it wise to cut field trips out of the school budget? School officials should not stop all field trips for the remainder of the year to save money because they’re essential to our education and easily findable; in fact, there are alternative ways to save money than just cutting field trips.
            By attending field trips, students are exposed to the world outside our classroom, making it an essential element of the learning process.  For example, for students in inner-city areas, it is one thing to study about the different types of artwork there are in the world but it is completely different to actually go to an art gallery and see the art in person. Field trips are, in essence, a connecting gateway between the world we live in and the rest of the world, full of wonder and academia of all kinds. School funded field trips are sometimes the only way some students can experience different activities and visit amazing places that seem far out of reach for them and their family. Not all families can take their children to visit colleges or museums for a variety of reasons. Also, extracurricular-wise, not many families can visit amusement parks such as Six Flags Magic Mountain or Universal Studios. The only way those students can even dream of attending those places is when the school itself takes it upon themselves to help broaden a student’s perception of their own community and the world around them.
            Officials would argue that although field trips are important, they are simply too expensive. Well, the answer to this is the students can raise the money for our field trips. There are countless options for us to fundraise and raise money to go on our field trips. We can sell pizza and other types of food during lunch to our fellow students, sell raffle tickets for small prizes, or even go around the school asking for small donations from our peers. We can also do talent shows or movie nights where the students have to pay to attend and participate. We can also be bold and write letters to business inquiring if they would like to sponsor our school or our specific activity and help lessen the cost of the trip. Believe me, if the trip is one of great interest to us, we will work harder than any school official could imagine because we are working for our own benefit and enjoyment. For all our hard work, we deserve to relax afterward with the desired field trip we worked for.
            If money and the school’s budget is the issue, I’d like to point out that there is more than one way to save money than just cutting eliminating field trips from the curriculum. A popular program many schools implement is recycling. School copy machines and teachers’ printers use a mass number of ink cartridges every year. These ink cartridges can be recycled and exchanged for money at different office supply stores for prices of $1-10.  Also, we can refill the cartridges for a price extremely cheaper than buying a brand new cartridge. If the school began later, money can be saved on electricity and teacher’s pay.  To make more money to offset the cost of other items, it would be an excellent idea to charge students for parking privileges in the school parking lot. Many seniors and a number of juniors have licenses and drive their cars to school and find it difficult to find parking near the school because we compete with the residents in the community for their spots. By charging a daily or monthly charge for parking lot privileges, schools can exploit this unfortunate battle and use this as another way to receive more much needed money.
            Should we be deprived of being exposed to the world outside of our classrooms solely on the reason that there isn’t money? I sincerely don’t think we should. There is only so much we can learn from books but unless we actually go out and actually touch, see, and smell what we’re learning, it’s not going to be effective. Students can raise money for their own field trips and the school itself can find other ways to save money and raise more of it themselves. The students shouldn’t be punished for the district’s stringent budget problems or the state’s lack of assistance.

What Kind of Doctor would I be?

If I could be any type of doctor, I'd be a veterinarian. I absolutely, positively, and totally love animals. I honestly love them more than humans. I always had a fascination for the veterinarians that take care of my dogs because they always made them feel better when I thought all hope was lost and there was nothing we could do for them. Veterinarians are a lot more valuable than regular doctors because humans can tell their doctors what's ailing them. Animals, however, don't have a voice and it's up to vets to figure out what's wrong with them and fins the appropriate cure. If I were a vet, all my patients would be treated as if they were my own pets. I would help calm them down and make sure they're not afraid of me because the last thing I would want to do is hurt them. I'd check them to make sure nothing is wrong and if I do find something, I would diagnose them and begin the treatment to healing them. The only thing I would never do is euthanize them. I would never ever put an animal to sleep. I understand that at times, this is the only solution and end to an animal's suffering. I totally understand this. However, I could not bear to know that I killed an innocent animal because in essence, this is exactly what euthanizing is. I'm basically killing an animal. When I take them for the waiting room to the operating room, I'm basically leading them to their death and the animals trust me. They trust me, and yet I'm killing them. So yes I would love to be a vet so that I may help animals and keep them healthy, but I could never put them down, no matter what's wrong with them.

Twenty Feet Tall

How would life be if I were twenty feet tall? Wow, I can hardly imagine life like that. I think life would be genuinely impossible. I couldn't get into any doorway without ducking down and I couldn't stand in any building with being severely hunched. I'd have to have a car custom made for me and my height because even the highest truck would be too short for me. Gosh, that would be an ugly car too because I would have to be extremely high and long for my body to fit. I couldn't go through overpasses or park in underground parking because the height of my car would never fit in the entrance. It would be too high for it. What's worse, my dating life would be completely awful!! I would never be able to find a guy who's taller than me and i only date guys who are taller than me. It's like my biggest qualification for consideration to go on a date with me. Who's ever seen a 21 foot guy? Besides, if I am that tall, who would want to go out with me anyway? I'd be a ginormous freak! No one wants to go out with a freak! But I guess if I was that tall, I wouldn't have to worry about money. I'm pretty sure I'd be considered the tallest person in the world, so the Guinness Book of World Records would want to document me and put me in their book. I get a compensation for every book sold if I'm in it, don't I? As for my career, sports would be my best friend. I can try out for basketball and just walk around the other guys on the court. I'd simply take the ball away from them and drop it in the basket, since I'd be taller than even that! I could also try out for Team USA's Olympic track team. With my long legs, I could walk to the finish line and still finish way before the other runners. Hmm...maybe being that tall wouldn't be so bad. No, no. I don't want to stay single forever.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

One Thing I'm Good At

I'm really good at shopping. I really seriously am. I can spend hours ( and I do mean hours) at the mall and not get tired. Some people may not think of that as a skill but if that were true, then why do some people have personal shoppers? Let's face it, some people don't like to shop or don't know how to. That's where I come in! I study all the latest fashions and can help you find an outfit that will not only make you look great, but it won't sacrifice your personal style. I believe everyone has a personal style, even if you don't like fashion. If you only wear sweats, you wouldn't want me to put you in a floor-length gown, now would you? No, because you like being comfortable. See? I also know how and when to buy things. I know what time of the year is best to buy coats and when you should buy shorts and what items from what stores are going to stay the same price all year round. It's not easy knowing all this. Being a good shopper means being patient and knowing when exactly to go the mall. I'm not a patient person whatsoever, but when it comes to shopping, I make an exception. I've learned that it's not about how much money you have or what brands you buy, but how you wear the clothes. You can buy the most expensive dress at the mall, but you'd look as if you're wearing a trash bag. Whereas, you can buy an inexpensive dress and find ways to look as if you spent a million dollars on it. You need to know what clothes work for you and how to make them work harder for you. It's not black or white, even though black and white is a great and classic color combination. I may not be good at math and I can't play an instrument, but I do know my way around a shopping mall and a Valentino.

The Awesome Fehbe-wich

Introducing the new and improved sandwich, appropriately called the "Fehbe-wich". It's quite simple to make and it's delicious to eat. To make you will need
  • 2 slices of whole wheat bread
  • Nutella (as much as you'd like)
  • 1 banana sliced into thin slices
  • 1 tablespoon of peanut butter
  • 2 strawberries cut into thin pieces
  • dash of cinnamon
To make, all you have to do is combine the ingredients and voila! You now have a sandwich as sweet as Fehbe herself! To make it extra special, get a star shaped cookie cutter and use it in the middle of the sandwich. Now you have a Fehbe star! Bon appetite!

I Won!!!!!

This isn't my most memorable time I won something, but whenever i think about it, I smile. My first year on the Inglewood tennis team, I played doubles with Sharlyn at a game against Morningside. This was the first time we'd ever played against them, so we didn't know what to expect. Sharlyn and I, being first time tennis players, were pretty much used to losing. We obviously didn't like it, but we were used to it. When we began playing, however, we were surprised when we won the first 2 sets. Then the next 2. And then the next one. Finally, we were 5-1, with the next set, if won by us, meant we won the whole game. We were obviously excited at the prospect that we could win a game, but we pushed that out of our heads and concentrated on the game at hand. When we won the match point and realized we had won the game, well as you can imagine, we were ecstatic! We began jumping up and down screaming, "We won!!". Yes we overreacted but to be fair, we had never won a game before. We got over this quickly though. We didn't want to look like retards. The next time we played Morningside, we also won, but nothing was sweeter than that first victory. Perhaps because it was the first win or because Sharlyn and I did it together (which made us super cool), but I have never forgotten that game against Morningside and despite all the other accomplishments I've had, that memory always puts a smile on my face.

My Superpower

If I could choose a superpower, I'd have the superpower to fly. Driving is already a means of escape to me and flying would be an even greater one. I don't like where I'm at at the moment and I'm always looking for a way to escape. Flying would be just that way. Even though it's a "superpower", I wouldn't use it for the good of other people. I wouldn't; that's just not me. I'm an egoist and pretty selfish. Yes by some miracle I got this power but I'm only using it to benefit me. I'd fly to another state whenever I want to. First, I'd probably go visit my cousins in Texas and spend some time there. If I don't feel at home, then I'll move on. I'll be a nomad, a high-end nomad though. I'd have the opportunity to steal and get whatever I want because I have the means of flying away and the police can't follow me. Where will I stay? I can really stay wherever I want/ I can get a credit card and rent a hotel room and fly away before anyone realizes I have to pay for it. Fly away, seems like I really want to do a lot of that. Well I do. I want to fly away. I want to have wings to fly, like birds. The sky has no limit; it's endless with no boundaries. I crave that. I want to fly away and find where I belong. Most people would call it running away but, it's definitely not a crime. I don't feel guilty that I have a superpower and don't use it to help people. I'm not a superhero nor do I want to be a superhero. I don't want to be a villain either. People shouldn't depend on me because I don't depend on them. My wings and ability to fly would be my own and I'll do whatever I want with them.

A Member of my Extended Family

I would love to spend the day with my cousin's uncle. He is super amazingly cool and very generous with money.I  mean, seriously generous with money. I would spend the afternoon with him at the mall because he's buy me pretty much whatever I want. My cousin is his favorite nephew, but my uncle actually likes me too. He owes me a debt as well, so he owes me something. Fehbe gets her debts paid in money or blood. No, I'm kidding, not blood. You can pay me back in clothes. We'd go the mall. and spend literally not just the afternoon but the whole day there. As unusual as it sounds, my uncle actually likes shopping too. He's very picky about the jeans and shoes he wears. He may be get bored and tired a lot faster than I will, but we'd still be good shopping buddies. He doesn't believe that children (in his family) should be punished for what he calls "our parent's laziness and lack of want to succeed in life financially". Therefore, he concludes that I, as a good student and a nice person overall, deserve to get whatever I want. I know not to argue with good reasoning so I obviously won't argue with this.  Afterwords, we'd go to P.F. Changs because we both like that restaurant. As I always do, I'd be at liberty to choose whatever I'd like off the menu and I'd probably even get dessert. Then, to burn off the calories, I'd suggest we go to the Grove and do more shopping. Since I know he loves the Grove, it's a done deal. After shopping for another few hours, I'd get back home and just rest. My uncle [in-law] is way too nice to not take advantage of and go shopping with.

Let's go the Moon

I would totally love to visit the moon! I think getting there would be the best part of the whole trip though. How amazing would it be to get on a rocket, fly out of the world's atmosphere, into space, and then land on the moon? I would carry a sparkly pink flag with me to stick on the moon, but I guess I first have to take out and throw away the American flag one. It would clash with my flag in an ugly way. I would so say, "That's one small step for man. One like totally huge step for Fehbe. Fehbe's here!! It's T-shirt tiiime!!" Yes, I would say that. Probably my biggest curiosity for visiting the moon would be to see if I really can jump around as if I'm on a trampoline. I would entertain myself to huge extremes if that's true. I doubt you'd be able to get me back in the rocket. I also want to know if the moon is really made out of cheese. Maybe I'm stupid for believing this, but how do we know it's not true if we've never even been there? I want to see if it looks like cheese too. Does it holes like Swiss? Or is it smooth like American? And does it smell funny? Does the moon really smell? I really want the answers to these questions so obviously I want to go to the moon.

Ways Teens can Earn Money

If you're like most teens nowadays, you are in dire need of money. Cell phones, Ipods, college books, clothes, shoes, college applications, clothes, shoes, etc. all are a strain to your parents' wallets and most likely, they only see the real need out of that list as being college and maybe the basic phone service. Well, lucky for you (us) there are a variety of ways we can earn money.
1. Get a job!!!!! Yes it may be the most obvious, but for seem it can be quite difficult. A lot of stores are hiring, but they prefer older applicants most of the time or people with experience. The best advice is to fill out as many applications as possible and talk to the manager and convince them that although you may not have extensive experience, you can do as good a job as anyone else.
2. Cut and save Do you really need that unlimited text or that new Ipod? Probably not. If you look at your life and what you're using, you can figure out what you really need and what is simply not a neccesity.
3. Walk your neighbor's dogs or offer to watch them (doggysit)
4.. Keep your used ink cartridges and take them to a recylcing place to get reimburesed for them.
5. Have old clothes you don't wear or new clothes you never wore? Sell them on Ebay!
6. Start your own car washing business
7. If you have a talent, exploit it and make people pay you to do it for them, whatever it may be.
8. Sell your old videos, DVDs, or video games
9. Offer to plan birthday parties for your neighbors or friends
10. And lastly, be really, really, really, nice to your mom and dad!

The Baby Dragon

Once there was a colony of dragons that lived in the Santa Monica Mountains. No one ever knew these dragons lived in the mountains because they were only visible to those that believed in the magic and everything that most reasonable people don't. In short, only children can see these dragons. The dragons of this colony were extremely worried about the lineage of their king and queen, Borus and Dalila. It is customary that the rulers of dragon colonies have children to keep the crown and legacy in the family. Without a direct heir, the dragons can get into fights to be the new rulers and more often than not chaos ensues and the colony dies off. Borus and Dalila haven't been able to conceive a child in the 200 years they were together and they were beginning to lose hope.

One day a child named Daisy was hiking in the mountains with her dad when she suddenly strayed from him. Dalila later found her after hearing her cry. Daisy, however, was scared.

"Who..who...who are you?" Daisy whimpered.

"You can see me?" asked Dalila, surprised that such a thing could occur.

"Umm...yea. You're a big dinosaur with wings," Daisy stated matter of factly.

"No, silly child. I'm a dragon," Dalila said, spreading her golden wings proudly. "If you're lost you can come spend the night with me and my family until morning when we can go find your parents. My name is Dalila, by the way".  Daisy was nervous, but she liked Dalila's pretty golden wings and scarlet eyes, so she said yes.

When they got back to the cove where the dragons lived, Dalila introduced Daisy to all the dragons and they were all shocked that she could see them, but they were kind to her. Daisy, however, was confused.

"I thought you said you had a family," she asked Dalila.

"I do. You met my husband already," Dalila responded.

"No, but where are your kids? Afamily needs kids," Daisy said in the stubborn ways of ten year old children.

Dalila couldn't answer the question because tears filled her eyes, but Borus responded. "We tried having a child, an heir, but we weren't blessed with one."

"Do you believe you can have a child?" asked Daisy curiously.

"No," Borus admitted.

"Well I believe you can and you will. i know you will," Daisy said confidently.

Dalila and Borus smiled but they both had to admit that the little girl's conviction gave them renewed hope. They allowed Daisy to sleep in the cove until morning. Then they flew to Daisy's house in Malibu and dropped her off on her front steps. Later that day, Dalila couldn't understand why she was bloated. Then when Borus came home from a quick fly, he was surprised to see a large pink and purple striped egg in their nest. The king and queen couldn't have been happier when, 3 weeks later, the egg cracked and a new baby dragon was born. She was pure hot pink with big blue eyes! The king and queen decided to call her Daisy, in honor of the little girl who taught them the power of faith.

My Favorite Season

Baby it's cold outside! My absolute favorite season is winter! I simply adore the cold weather! I find warm weather pleasant because I can wear short shorts, skirts, dresses, go the beach, there's no school on summer break, and you don't have to worry about getting sick. But there are so many more awesome things synonymous with cold weather! First of all there's all the amazing and gorgeous winter clothes at the mall that you can never have enough of. I love layering things on and I'm always on the lookout for cute jackets, coats, boots, scarves, and sweaters. There's just so much you can do with winter clothing! Then cold weather brings to mind so many wonderful things; Christmas, hot chocolate, warm fires in the chimney, apple cider, Thanksgiving, snow, Christmas store displays, warm blankets, cheesy but yet so addicting family holiday movies, warm soups, snowmen, blowing air of your mouth to pretend you're smoking, and rain! I love the idea of wearing my warmest and most comfortable Abercrombie and Fitch sweats, wrapping myself in a huge thick blanket, curling up on the couch and watching the rain fall on my window or even just watching a movie. I also love all the delicious coffee creations Starbucks only brings out in the winter. Pumpkin Spice, Peppermint Mocha, Toffee Caramel,mmmmm..,there's nothing better to warm you up on a blistery cold morning. Oh and we can't forget about Hot Chocolate! I find no better morning than those when you can go outside and the air is so cool that although the sun is out, you can see with your eyes (before you even go outside) how cold and chilly it is. Just please don't let it be windy because then my bones will freeze. I know it doesn't snow here in Southern California, but winter time means snow in the mountains or in Texas where my family usually spend winter break. I can't explain the feeling I get when I wake up and find the ground covered in snow, until someone has to go shovel it. Then running through the orchids of ice-covered barren trees is totally magical! Then for about a month, during December, everyone is in a good mood. Maybe it's because Christmas is coming up, but there's such an aura of good cheer everywhere that only happens in the winter and families huddle together not for warmth like they did in the time of yore, but for love. I love winter! Can it please come any faster?

Are Yuo Smarter than a 5th Grader?

Oh my gosh, I can't stop laughing! I can't believe I even considered to be on "Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?" I really like that show because I feel so stupid watching it! But then again, that's why I chose to be on it. Here's what happened. I got on the show, met the host Jeff Foxworthy, met the class, and startedplaying. I was actually doing really well at first. I chose questions that I thought were easy. "How many sides does a trapezoid have?" What was the name of the ship the pilgrims first took to get to the U.S.?" How many years is one term for a U.S. representative?" "What is a noun?" You know, simple questions. I was on a roll, and I didn't even need to ask my student helper for any help! But then, they burst my bubble. I started getting questions that I had no idea I learned in 5th grade. "What color do you get when you combine an equal amount of red paint with an equal amount or yellow paint?" Ummmm.... "True or false: Polar bears eat penguins." How was I supposed to know they don't? "What nation has the longest border with the U.S.?" Aren't we like an only nation in North America? "Who was the first president to be impeached?" I never learned this in my life! "How many states are there?" Ok, maybe this question is embarrassing for me not to know but come on! I thought Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico made 52 states! Needless to say, I had to cheat and when I used that, I simply lost all my money. How embarrassing for a senior in an honors high school to not answer simple questions that 5th graders are overeager to answer. In my defense, the hot lights and audience made me nervous so I couldn't think straight. Yea, that's what happened. Oh my lanta, I need to go back to elementary school! Please, Harvrad, don't use this against me!

The Oldest Person I Know

The oldest person I know is the pastor at my mom's church. He is in his early 80s, but I don't know anyone older than him. He is a man of average height with a kind face. His whole self is surrounded by an aura of kindness and compassion. His smile is warm and automatically makes you feel welcomed. He likes to joke around and at times, you can catch a glimpse of the energetic young man he once was. His voice is gentle and could probably calm an angered tiger. Yet, it commands respect from his congregation whenever he is speaking up front. He's very wise because he's obviously been through a lot. Many people hold him in high respect because he was active in the church as a young man and was one of the founders of the church he's now pastor of. So he is dedicated, responsible, and compassionate, even at the age he is in. I say this not to be disrespectful to old people, but some are just mean! They talk passively about my generation and say we don't know half the things we talk about or do. It can get pretty hard not to talk to back to those kinds of old people when they're openly insulting you. But, as my mom's pastor proves, not all old people are like that. He is the oldest person I know, but he is also the oldest person I know that's not grumpy or stubborn, or just plain mean.

Space and Serenity

I don't really like my house, for no apparent reason either. I just don't like being in it all the time. What i do like the most about it, though, is how big it is. My house isn't large but it is long. The hallway and kitchen are both long and spacious, to give you an idea. I love walking around my whole house when I'm bored or need some time to think. I go into every room and just make several rounds like a dog on patrol. What I also love is that more often than not, my house is empty and that means silence. Silence is golden when I need to think and just be alone with my thoughts. If my house were see-through, you'd always see me walking around my house with a pensive look on my face basking in the tranquility of things. I love my house simply for these 2 things. My room isn't extremely big and it's not 2 stories, but I love that I can enjoy such a calming activity (when there's no one there anyway). I'm naturally a restless person too, so this is a safe outlet I have to let go of some of that energy.

Fehbe the Cheerleader

If I worked at a football stadium, I would obviously be a cheerleader! I've always wanted to be a cheerleader but for some reason or another, I never tried out for it. But given the opportunity, I would so be a cheerleader. I would be ecstatic to wear the short skirt and midriff shirt covered in glitter and sparkles. Once I'm out on the field, I'd scream for my team and try to encourage the crowd to support them too! I'd dance my little heart out to the beat of the awesome techno music. My smile and quick movements would probably give people the impression that I'm on speed, but I just have spirit. How about you? I know most people see cheerleaders as being stereotypical conceited skinny airhead teenage girls. Well, yea I am, but I'm not an airhead! I'm really energetic, so being a cheerleader would be my way to burn off this energy and substitute as my exercise (I'm really lazy when it comes to running, by the way). Plus, I love dancing, jumping, smiling, and screaming! Don't you think I'd make an awesome cheerleader?

Four Years Ago

Four years ago I was 13. I was an eighth grader at Crozier Middle School. I have a hard time remembering what I even did yesterday, so I barely remember how I was as a thirteen year old. I do remember I was tall though! I was considered tall for my age and was one of the tall girls in my class. That's all changed now because now I'm considered short! I know I couldn't drive four years ago. The time when I would finally be able to drive seemed so far away to me when I was 13. Now, I have my license, a car, and I drive everywhere. Things are also a lot more complicated now than back then. Now I have to worry about applying to colleges and getting accepted by them. In middle school, all I worried about was passing my Algebra test. Life wasn't so confusing either. Things were wither black or white and they actually stayed this way until I was 17, unfortunately. Oh and I never worked when I was 13 nor did I ever see a need to. Before I got hired a month ago, I was fervently searching for a job because I need money for college applications, SATs, etc. So now I have to work and contribute to society. Eww.. One good difference between now and when I was 13 is that now I'm actually allowed to go on dates, stay out late, and have boyfriends. In other words, I actually have consent to do these things and I've no need to go behind people's backs. Would I want to go back to being 13? Nope! Been there. Done that. I'm looking forward to the future!

Monkeys are Awesome!!!

I think monkeys would make awesome pets! First of all, they are so adorable! They're fluffy and small and don't require much attention. They're so entertaining too. I'd love to watch my monkey climb and jump around my house and hang from his tail a monkey. They wouldn't be hard to feed either. Just throw bananas at them and the awesome part is that you don't even have to peel the bananas for them because they do it themselves! So basically, all you'd have to do is buy pounds of bananas and leave them for the monkey so it can help itself. It can also give himself baths and take himself out to potty too. They pretty much take care of themselves so all you have to do is give them love and watch them grow. I'd name my monkey George, like Curious George, and he'd be smart like the monkey from the show too. I wouldn't wear a yellow suit or a ginormous hate though. Awww...I want a monkey and a penguin now!

The Youngest Person I Know

The youngest person I know is my one month old little cousin, Annaliesse. She is only a month old but she is longer than most babies her age already! This didn't come from me; this diagnosis was straight from her pediatrician's office. Her eyes are huge and take up most of her face. They are a deep dark ebony color that is a striking contrast to her pale skin. Personality wise, she is a true diva and that is one reason why I dislike her (her father unceremoniously told me that I'm fired from my position as diva of the family). Her hunger is never satisfied and she is quite demanding when she's hungry. Actually, she's demanding period. I didn't even know babies know when people are looking at them but Anna fidgets and cries until everyone in the room is paying attention to her! She's also very observant and is constantly looking around at her surroundings. Since her eyes are so huge, all you see are the eyeballs moving around at a nonstop pace. At least we know she's not blind. I don't see her as being "cute", but then again I never really find babies cute. I don't see them as any sort of adorable pr fascinating thing. Like this child, for example, doesn't do anything interesting except eat, sleep, and poop. People make a huge deal out of these 3 simple things, but I'm thinking, I do these things too. So why don't I get any recognition? In fact, I am not allowed to sleep as much as she does! Yes I am a little jealous. How funny; I'm jealous of the youngest person I know. Huh...

Monday, October 4, 2010

My Room is my Canvas

If my parents would let me paint anything on my bedroom walls, I would go crazy! The main color would be hot pink for sure! I'd paint the walls hot pink with black and white zebra trim all around. On one of my walls, I would use black to draw out a crown and then use a softer pink for the gems on it. On all four walls, my name would be randomly written in nice calligraphy-like script in purple. On the upper right corner of my back wall I would draw a cluster of purple stars and one shooting star. Then once I'm done drawing everything I would get a glitter spray gun and spray glitter all over my room, even the doors. Since my window lets in ample light, my room would sparkle during the day and glisten in the night. Basically, I'd be sleeping in a star. If I ever want to get out, well I could always just open my black and white zebra door. Wow, now I really want a room like this!

My Deepest Fear

My deepest feaar is the fear of failure. I am terrified of the thought that I'm not going to do anything with my life. I have so many dreams and aspirations and it would just be horrible if none of them get accomplished. I guess what makes it worse is that I'm a complete perfectionist and a control freak. I don't settle for less than the best and my standards and expectations are always set high. Sometimes, I set them way too high to the point where reaching them is darn near impossible. If I don't meet my expectations, I get totally mad at myself because I don't understand why I couldn't get to the top. What's worse is that since I'm a control freak, it's hard to accept things won't always work out the way I want them. I like having things in an orderly fashion and neatly laid out. That's exactly how I have my life planned out and it's foolproof not to fail. Yet, even I know I can't control life so my biggest fear is something's going to go wrong and thus, I won't be able to accomplish my goals. I don't like losing and I definitely don't like failing. That's why I never try to do anything because trying=failing (yes quoted). I simply do it. Those are words that I will live by until I die. But, in the end, I'm Fehbe and no matter what, Fehbe doesn't fail.

The Bat who couldn't Fly

Once upon a time, in a land far far away (New York City) there lived a colony of bats in the Empire State building. This colony of bats was known to be the best fliers in the whole city. One teenage bat, Pauly, was very eager to begin flying so he could explore the city and start realizing his dreams. You see, most of the bats of this colony were unemployed, or rather, saw no need to work because there was a surplus of money. I mean, hello, they lived in the Empire State! Those that do work are businessmen and handle sales of food (i.e. bugs). Pauly, however, dreamed of being a DJ! He knew he had the hottest tracks out right now if he could only get to the city and play his demo. That's why he was so excited to start flying.

On the night Pauly was going to start flying, he was a nervous wreck. He was excited to finally start flying but he scared that he was going to fall. Pauly's dad, Robert, was confident his son was going to be a great flier.

"Ok Pauly. Are you ready?" asked Robert.
"For sure dad. Let's do this!" Pauly shouted.
"Okay then. Start by climbing up on this ledge and spread your wings," Robert instructed his son. "Now start flapping them and on the count of three, I want you to jump. Read? 1..2..3!"

Pauly jumped off the ledge and continued to frantically flap his wings but he was quickly falling.

"Dad!Dad!" Pauly screamed for help.

Robert swooped down and snatched Pauly before he splattered on the ground. When he dropped him back on top, Pauly made the decision to try once more, but again he couldn't gain flight. Pauly and Robert were both deeply embarrassed, especially when the other bats called Pauly "The Bat who couldn't Fly".

Pauly was extremely sad, not only because he couldn't fly, but because he couldn't further his DJ career. Finally, one day he had had enough. He was in NYC! There were means of transportation everywhere! So he grabbed his demo, threw himself onto a passerby's hat, then jumped onto a passing bus that took him to a hot New York nightclub. He climbed into the DJ booth and secretly put in his track. The minute his music started playing, the dance floor went wild. He started scratching the tracks and getting into the music. Everyone started shouting, "Go Pauly! Go Pauly!"

Pauly was ecstatic. From that night on, he became known as Pauly B, the bat who couldn't fly and superstar DJ.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

My Lunch Date with Shnookie

If I could have lunch with any famous person, I'd have lunch with Snooki from Jersey Shore. Yes I know she's basically famous for all the wrong reasons on a reality t.v. show, but she still counts. I find her to be hilarious on the show so I bet I'd be laughing nonstop if we hang out together. We'd obviously go to an Italian restaurant and whatever she orders will probably have pickles. We would talk about everything that goes on in the house.I'd want to know who's single, who's dating, who slept with who, etc. I'd be especially interested in knowing if Vinny is single, even though they both slept together. Then I'd ask her about tanning and if she was going to fight Obama's tanning tax. I want to know if she thinks I'd look good tan because, as most people know, I'm pretty pale. Snookie being Snookie would probably have some random comment to make which keep me entertained and that's basically what I want; to have a good time laughing and enjoying a reality t.v. star's company.

My Siblings...Not!!

Thankfully I don't have any brothers or sisters! Or maybe that's not a good thing.On the plus side, I have my own bedroom, I don't have to worry about fighting for anything, and I'm the center of attention most of the time. Yes, that may mean I'm a little spoiled brat but whatever. I love getting things my way and with no siblings, I have no competition. However, things can get a little hard for an only child like me. I live in a four bedroom house with my mother and that can make things pretty lonely. I'm in my room most of the time because i see no reason to come out; there's no one to talk to. There are also times when I need someone to talk to, especially right now with the college process, and there's unfortunately no one there. That's why I would want to have an older sibling so they could share their wisdom with me so that I may learn from their mistakes. I would want an older brother who would protect me or defend me. Or I'd like an older sister with whom I could share my problems with, ask for advice, and borrow clothes from. I'm not complaining, though, because the benefits of being an only child are way too awesome to give up but sometimes I wouldn't mind having an older sibling.

Friday, October 1, 2010


Now, I cannot tell
What my drummer speaks to me
Still the ocean lives

Burning sunshine rays
Pierce my skin red hot
I cry for cold rain

All life ends quickly
Only the soul remains here
To fly in its joy

One simple green leaf
Fighting for its survival
Hangs on a branch

Four seasons a year
Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall
Show how life changes

Golden morning sun
Waking the sleeping world
My sleep it ruins

Blossoming flowers
Blooming on my window pane
Showing their beauty

Bitter winter wind
Chills my bones to the hard core
How cold my life is

Sparkling like diamonds
Winter's raindrops are many
They light up the ground

Raindrops soak the earth
but my soul longs for meaning
beyond finite life