Sunday, October 24, 2010

My Ideal Vacation

What is my ideal vacation? Well, that’s a hard question to answer because it changes every day! Some days I want to go to Europe, other days I want to go to Hawaii, and then others I want to explore New York. I think the best definition of an ideal vacation for me would be a space of time where I have no responsibilities, I can explore and learn new things, and I have unlimited resources to do it. I basically want somewhere where I can relax and not deal with any trivial matters. Today, for instance, I want to vacation in Hawaii. I have been to Hawaii before and I fell in love with it the minute I stepped off the plane. It’s so peaceful and serene that it just begs you to relax and unwind. My dream vacation to Hawaii would be about a month and I would visit all 7 islands and stay a few days (or weeks) at each one. I would check into the most luxurious hotel and have them have my personal suite ready for me when I arrive. Yes, I did say personal because I really don’t want to have anyone accompany on this trip. I have no problems making friends so if I feel lonely, I’ll do something about it. Otherwise, it’ll just be me, myself, and Fehbe. At each island I would go to the nearest beach, walk around the boardwalks, and eat macadamia nuts to my heart’s desire. I can’t forget my daily routine of GTL either, so of course I would tan, jog around the beach as my workout, and have my laundry done, or by new clothes. Most importantly, I would relax! I am so high strung and stressed out at the moment that my body just wants to lay down under a palm tree, sip a pina colada, and call it a day, every day.  That is my dream vacation.

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