Sunday, November 28, 2010

A Better Community

There are many different aspects that come together to make a community a great one. The people living there, the schools, the police, and the local merchants all work together to make a community flourish and desirable to live in. however, I think that the best way to improve a community is to give it a complete facelift. It’s common knowledge that when a person feels good about the place they live in, they will take care of it. This involves making the community as beautiful so as the inhabitants will feel pride in keeping it orderly and cleaned. First, we must begin with the streets and roads of a community. Its very annoying to be driving atop of hundreds of potholes. We need to fix those up first. Then we must plant trees do make tree lined streets in every neighborhood, to give those streets a quaint and tranquil vibe. Then we must remove all graffiti and repaint all the buildings. There’s nothing more degrading to a building than graffiti and once the buildings are freshly painted, the citizens will want to protect them and there will be less crime. Then each house must be remodeled. If the people enjoy and feel happy in their homes, they will not want to leave and they will be happy to contribute to the benefit of thr whole community. Most importantly, we must clean the streets and make sure the community isn’t littered. No one likes living in dirty places. By putting my plan into action, we can rest assure that any community will become an even better one

Friday, November 26, 2010

Day in the life of Fehbe

What happens in a typical day in the life of Fehbe? Not much can happen actually. I wake up, if I even went to sleep the night before anyway, and wash my face. Then I look at my closet and decide what to wear if the night before I was too lazy to lay out an outfit for the day. I get dressed but I don’t do my hair just yet. I do my makeup first and then I go into the kitchen and eat breakfast and afterwards I brush my teeth, do my hair, and I’m out the door. If it’s a school day, I go to school. I spend about 4 hours in that horrible jail and then I leave at lunch because I don’t have a close after lunch. Then I get home, check my Facebook, and look for something to eat. I usually take a nap after I eat for about 2 hours. Then I wake up and get dressed to go to work. I usually work about 5 hours at a jewelry store at the mall. I help the customers mach accessories with their dresses for whatever occasion they need. It’s the type of work that I enjoy because I love dressing people up. if I have to close, I vacuum the store and then do a quick mop of the whole store and lock the doors. It usually takes 45 minutes. Then I get home, change, find a party to go to and go out to wait until the next morning, when I start everything all over again.

The Most Disgusting Vegetable Ever

I hate artichokes. I despise them in fact. Why anyone could even choose to eat them baffles me. They are disgusting and they look disgusting too. They look like a disgusting deformed flower. How nature, who is so talented at creating beautiful objects can create such a gross abomination as an artichoke I will never understand. Then they just smell horrible too. Sometimes they can smell rancid, but an herby kind of rancid. When they are cooked they amplify their smell even more and stink up the whole house. It’s horrible. They don’t look any better when they’re cooked either. They turn a mossy green color and their leaves become soft and breakable. They do not look appetizing whatsoever. It’s remarkable that anyone can eat them. I find it amazing that upscale 5 star restaurants offer artichokes as delectable and expensive dishes. These dishes can cost more than a typical steak dinner. I just really hate artichokes! And unfortunately, my mother actually likes them. She will bring home about 5 artichokes and stuffs them with other different vegetables. She also makes a gross artichoke dip with them that always makes me gag when I see it. It’s not that the ways she makes the artichokes causes my reactions; on the contrary, I have heard from other people that these dishes are actually quite delicious. However, it is the mere fact that they are made from artichokes that prevents me from even attempting to try them. Artichokes and I just don’t mix.

My Favorite Season

Baby it's cold outside! My absolute favorite season is winter! I simply adore the cold weather! I find warm weather pleasant because I can wear short shorts, skirts, dresses, go the beach, there's no school on summer break, and you don't have to worry about getting sick. But there are so many more awesome things synonymous with cold weather! First of all there's all the amazing and gorgeous winter clothes at the mall that you can never have enough of. I love layering things on and I'm always on the lookout for cute jackets, coats, boots, scarves, and sweaters. There's just so much you can do with winter clothing! Then cold weather brings to mind so many wonderful things; Christmas, hot chocolate, warm fires in the chimney, apple cider, Thanksgiving, snow, Christmas store displays, warm blankets, cheesy but yet so addicting family holiday movies, warm soups, snowmen, blowing air of your mouth to pretend you're smoking, and rain! I love the idea of wearing my warmest and most comfortable Abercrombie and Fitch sweats, wrapping myself in a huge thick blanket, curling up on the couch and watching the rain fall on my window or even just watching a movie. I also love all the delicious coffee creations Starbucks only brings out in the winter. Pumpkin Spice, Peppermint Mocha, Toffee Caramel,mmmmm..,there's nothing better to warm you up on a blistery cold morning. Oh and we can't forget about Hot Chocolate! I find no better morning than those when you can go outside and the air is so cool that although the sun is out, you can see with your eyes (before you even go outside) how cold and chilly it is. Just please don't let it be windy because then my bones will freeze. I know it doesn't snow here in Southern California, but winter time means snow in the mountains or in Texas where my family usually spend winter break. I can't explain the feeling I get when I wake up and find the ground covered in snow, until someone has to go shovel it. Then running through the orchids of ice-covered barren trees is totally magical! Then for about a month, during December, everyone is in a good mood. Maybe it's because Christmas is coming up, but there's such an aura of good cheer everywhere that only happens in the winter and families huddle together not for warmth like they did in the time of yore, but for love. I love winter! Can it please come any faster?

Fighting Siblings

Through thick and thin, family always stays together. They are the ones that will always be with you no matter what you may do. Brothers and sisters especially share a close bond that can very rarely be replicated. However, it is a well known fact that siblings are constantly bickering. At times, this is considered normal and it is a healthy exercise to release unnecessary stress and tensions that can build up in the family. Yet, if the bickering is excessive, it can lead to harsh problems in the family. Constant fighting can make siblings see a rivalry between each other because the parents will more often than not give the benefit of the doubt to one of the siblings. This can be the start of a lifelong feud harbored between siblings. They can start to avoid each other and disturb the balance in the family. The best way to deal with situations like these is to pay no preferred attention to either sibling. Allow the siblings to fight out their problems but don’t intervene. Later remind each one to have an open mind and listen to the other’s opinions and consider that perhaps they have reason to say what they did. If the fighting becomes too intense, however, it would be wise to call a professional in. there are many good family psychiatrists that could pinpoint your children’s true reasons for fighting and help them and the whole family to resolve them. This way, the family can return to a normal balance.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Buying a new Computer

I am so excited to buy a new computer! My old one finally crashed on me and I need to replace it as soon as I possibly can because I need it for school. I know well enough not to simply go into a store and pick the prettiest one there because it may not have the features I want. So first I will think about what type of computer I want; thin or thick, with an emphasis on music or gaming or not, etc. Then once I figure out how I want my computer to be and what I will use it for, I will research the different computers on the market that fit my criteria. I will write down the computers that I like and then ask people that I know that are good with computers and technology. Based on their opinions, I will narrow my choices down to at least three computers. Then I will go into the stores that sell the computers that I want and see them first hand. This is the most crucial step of the whole process. I need to actually see and touch the computers so that I can make an accurate decision. I will play around with the computers and see all their features. Finally, if I can’t make a decision by myself, I will ask for store personnel for help since their whole job revolves around knowing and selling computers. Once they give me their opinion on what I should get, then that’s when I’ll make my choice and buy a new computer.

Doing well on College Admission Tests

So you want to go to college. Ok, no problem. Oh wait, you have to pass an admissions test first. For many seniors, these tests are called the SAT and the ACT. These dreaded tests are often the only things standing in between seniors and college. They are extremely hard to pass and simply going in and thinking you will do good on them with no prior preparation is ludicrous. The best way to do well on these tests is to study. And study some more and since you’re already there, study a bit more. This is not an exaggeration; the SAT and ACT truly require a large amount of studying if test takers wish to do well.
There are a variety of tips and tricks that test takers must be aware of so that they can do their best and the easiest way to earn of these is by taking a tutoring class with a certified teacher. Kaplan is an accredited business that has been helping students learn valuable test taking tips and getting good scores on those tests. Once you’ve prepared yourself over a period of time for the tests, the preparation does not end on test day. The night before you take the test, you must get at least 8 hours of sleep so you can feel refreshed the next morning. In the morning, eat a hearty breakfast that will help keep you focused while taking the test and not worried about hunger. Take your time but pace yourself, since the tests are times. The most important tip, however, is simply do your best.

How to Break up

So you are in a great relationship with your boyfriend and girlfriend. Everything is sunshine and flowers and you think nothing can ever go wrong. Then, out of nowhere, you can’t stand them and you just want to end everything you two have. What do you do? You don’t want to hurt their feelings do you? You want to end on a good note and perhaps be acquaintances later on down the road, even if you think they’re complete jerks right now. The easiest and ironically worst ways to break up with someone is through e-mail or text. Don’t even think about sending a cute text explaining everything that the other did wrong and expect them to understand. That just makes them believe that they weren’t even worth your time to actually tell them you want to break up; since you did it through text, you obviously didn’t care for them. Oh and Facebook as a means to breaking up is a huge faux pas as well. How would you feel if you suddenly saw that you’re partner’s relationship status has gone from “in a relationship” to “single”? Or if you read their status, and you learn there that your relationship is over? Technology makes breaking up as impersonal as possible and it’s a highly unattractive quality to do that. The best way is to break up face to face. Simply tell them all the reasons why you want to end the relationship and wish them the best in their life. Keep the conversation as short as possible since you want to end having any sort of communication with you. In this way, you will seem responsible and perhaps keep the lines of communication open between you and your ex.

How to make new Friends

Have you ever wanted to make a new friend? Maybe you have, but you’re just too shy or are not sure of how to approach them. It’s understandable; many people just don’t know how to make friends. Luckily, I love making friends and can give you a step by step manual on how to make friends. First off, you need to spot someone whom you’d like to be friends with. It can be the lonely girl in the corner or the popular jock in the middle of a crowd of people. Anyone can be your friend if you really want them to be. Once you find someone, make eye contact with them. You may not believe it, but eye contact is the most important part of making friends or just meeting people in general. Once you make eye contact, smile at them and walk over to them. Saying “hi” right then would be the most obvious next step, but sometimes it can be easier to crack a joke or make a small observation at what’s going on around you. You need to break the ice somehow. Then once you start talking to them, decide whether they’re even worth continuing a conversation or if they’re just not an interesting company. If you do think they’re worth talking to, keep the conversation going. Find something you both can talk about; movies, TV. shows, and bands are topics anyone can talk about and soon you’ll find something both of you share in common.  Once you do, keep going on that topic. Soon you’ll see they’re the ones that want to keep the conversation going and voila; you’ve made a new friend.

My Favorite Game-Monopoly

I am not exactly a game person; in fact, I really don’t play any games. However, when I was younger, I used to love play the game Monopoly. I am not sure why, but I thought that game was the best past time in the world. I used to love to buy a ton of houses, hotels, and apartments and make my friends pay me rent when they land on my properties. It always gave me a sense of power to know that I could control the board and that I can ruin a person financially. The game of Monopoly is fairly simple to play. Every box comes with 11 little figurines called tokens. Each person must choose one person and put them on go. Then one person must be the Banker, the person who handles the money. Each person at the start of the game has to have a total of $1500. Remember the object of the game is to own the most money and assets. Each player must roll the dice and advance on the board the number of squares as what was rolled.  When you land on a property, you can choose to buy a property and if you do, then every time another player lands on your property, they must pay you the rent assigned for that space. You of course, win the game if you take all the money from the other players and have all the property. It’s a game of skill and cunning. You can’t have a weak heart; don’t be kind to someone just because they’re your friend. It’s all or nothing in Monopoly.


What is prejudice? Webster’s dictionary has two different definitions for the word; (1): preconceived judgment or opinion (2) : an adverse opinion or leaning formed without just grounds or before sufficient knowledge. However, you state it, prejudice results from a preconceived opinion without knowing the concrete facts. Therefore, prejudice births from ignorance. Prejudice doesn’t just occur against races; it can occur to any group or people that are different from others. One can even be prejudice against a whole country. Many people base their prejudices not on their own opinions, but on the opinions of others. They believe the stereotypes that float around in the media and from mouth to mouth. While it is true some stereotypes have some truth behind them, most are false exaggerations that need to be reversed. But what happens when one lets their minds be overrun by prejudices? They continue to stay ignorant people and have no real reason for why they believe anything. Prejudice causes unjust and unnecessary suffering and violence towards many people. Prejudice towards minorities, for example, is a huge issue in America. Most people don’t understand what their culture truly stands for and yet they have a dislike towards them as if they do know what they stand for and how they act. In politics, this can lead to legislation that restricts the rights of minorities simply on the basis of prejudice. Prejudice can never be justified; it is merely an ignorant state of mind that must be cured for a society to function correctly.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Impulse Buying

There’s nothing I like better than a good shopping trip. I love the thrill and excitement of finding a great new pair of boots or jeans. However I have been a victim of impulse buying on numerous occasions. There are many reasons why people fall prey to impulse buying. The most obvious one is the thrill you get when you buy something, especially if it’s something expensive. Impulsively buying something can actually make you feel good and can brighten your day; if you go to the mall and you’re sad or mad, buying something can instantly elevate your mad. It’s almost like a drug and you do get addicted to it. However, what happens if you engage in too much impulse buying? Well the most obvious consequence is debt. If you repeatedly buy things that you really do not need, you will accumulate a hefty amount of debt. Even if the products aren’t expensive if bought on their own, continuous buying of items like that will all add up and you will be forced to see that you are spending money you do not have, or possibly did have but no longer do due to the fact that you shopped too much. When a person becomes so involved in shopping to the point where they do the impossible to keep being able to buy things they never thought they needed or wanted until they saw it, then they can be diagnosed as having a shopping addiction. As with all addictions, these people need to seek help.

Explaining Pollution to an Alien

Welcome to planet Earth, my extra terrestrial visitor. As you may have noticed, Earth is a beautiful planet, filled with lush greenness all around, even in the sky. On your left, you will see an overloaded landfill of trash. Yes it may be disgusting and gross, yet we as a society produce a lot of trash and we have to put it somewhere. Sometimes the place where we dump our trash can get a bit overloaded and it becomes just a huge trash pile. When that happens, we simply find a new place to dump it in. On your right, you’ll notice that acres of barren land. There used to be lush forests there filled with beautiful animals right in that same place, however we are so dead set on making more paper, building more factories, and making more homes. The animals, if you were wondering, have either been extinct or have relocated to new locations are facing extinction. If you look up, you will see that you can hardly see the sky. That is because our factories produce so much smog that at times and in certain industrial cities, the smog makes it almost impossible to see the clear night sky and actually harms the lungs of our citizens. Just as much as we take care of our air is as much as we take care of our waters. Our oceans are filled with trash and toxic waste that we just can’t seem to dumpy anywhere else. Perhaps this will eventually harm our planet but for now, we’re ok. I hope you enjoy your stay on Earth!

Life without Computers

Have you ever imagined your life without computers? I have, but only in my nightmares! Computers have become as integrated in our lives as cell phones and microwaves. Our lives, whether for good or bad, depend on computers. They do everything for us, from calculations to setting the oven timer. If we suddenly lived in a world without computers, our society, as it is right now, would crumble and fall. We are so dependent on computers that we wouldn’t know what to do without them. We would be forced to resort back to our roots and depend on our own intelligence, which at times can be less than reliable. We would also have to live without many of the resources and luxuries we now live with. There would be no Ipods, Iphones, Blackberries, or calculators. All these things and many more rely on the technology that is defined as computers. What’s more, we wouldn’t have the wonders of the Internet. This would result in a much more ignorant population, much more than it already is. Information wouldn’t be at our fingertips as easy as it is now and this would make life twice as hard for anyone. Sites such as Mapquest make our lives easier. Imagine if we didn’t have Mapquest; we would have to rely on drawn maps and a person’s personal sense of navigation to get somewhere. This is obviously a recipe for potential disaster. Computers have become a vital part of our society and as much as some may hate to admit, we cannot live without them.

Driving Tips

Driving has become more than luxury talent; it has become a necessary skill for everyone living in the modern world. However to be a sound driver, one must know many basic rules. First and foremost, a driver must know the basic rules of the road. For example, we must stop at a red light, we can drive on a green light, we must stop at Stop signs, and if we come to a 4-way Stop sign, we must pass in the order that we arrived in. a good driver also knows they must pay attention to the road. They should not be distracted by things such as cell phones or Ipods or the radio. You’re eyes need to be on the road and there actually is a specific way to look at the road. Most new drivers tend to stare in all directions but you should really focus to what’s straight ahead of you and view everything else in your peripheral vision. This is the surest way to guarantee that you will witness everything because sight and attention are the most important parts of being a good driver. Driving at night, especially, requires a large amount of attention to the road. The lights from the oncoming cars can momentarily impair your vision; that is why you should look to the side of the road so as to not be blinded. When driving in severe weather conditions, you must be extra cautious when driving. You must drive slow and heed any sort of weather alerts made by the Highway Patrol.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Events of a Singer's Life-Britney Spears

If anyone has had an interesting life, it has been Britney Spears. We have seen her rise as a sexually charged teenage pop singer and fall as a crazed and depressed drug addict.  When she first stepped onto the music scene, she was a sweet 17 year old with an obvious talent. Her songs, dances, and costumes may have been quite racy, yet her ability to belt out tunes was undisputable. Her CD made Billboards Top 100 the first week it came out and quickly rose in ranks. It seemed as if she was going to have a bright future what with a successful music career, shoe lines, and perfumes. However, we soon saw Britney fall into a downward spiral. We watched as the paparazzi snapped picture after picture of her degrading acts, from stumbling drunk out of a club to being snapped without underwear. Her lowest point, however, may have been when she shaved off her head. Then after an embarrassing performance at the VMAs, we began to see Britney begin to bounce back. She put out a new album, Circus, which tore apart radio stations and shot up in popularity, with 5 Number 1 hit songs off the album. At awards shows, we began to see a new and invigorating looking Britney who seemed ready to conquer the world again. I believe her deteriorating past is what is allowing her to be stronger and ready to take on the music industry again. She’s also being a responsible parent and taking care of her children. After a horrible few years, we can only hope Britney Spears will continue making this amazing comeback.

What makes me Special

What is special about Fehbe? What makes her special? Well, we can start with her name. What kind of a person spells it as she does; Fehbe. What is that? Even as I am typing it now, Micorsoft Word is saying it is incorrectly spelled. And perhaps it is, Perhaps it is a flaw that she has, but are not flaws what make us different and special? But apart from the name, what else makes Fehbe special and not just another girl on the street? It’s precisely that; she’s not just another girl on the street. She’s Fehbe. This is the girl that will read fashion magazines before she reads a textbook and still somehow receive a passing grade in the class. She walks as if all her clothes cost her well over $200 but only she knows which specific articles did cost that much and which didn’t. This is the girl that will talk to anyone, anywhere, simply because she loves talking and meeting new people. She is the girl that is not afraid to speak her mind in class and offer her opinions. However, she’s also the same girl who smiles even when she doesn’t want; the same girl who looks like she has it everything under control, even when in reality everything is spiraling out of control. Yet, she’s the girl that has big hopes and dreams that she fervently hopes will come true. This girl, although she is conceited, will at times put herself on the line to help someone who desperately needs her help and while perhaps she acts out of self-interest, her dedication cannot be questioned. Fehbe is the girl who will stop at nothing to get what she wants and will find ways to move even mountains if she has to. She’s also the girl that is obsessed with Jersey Shore and glitter. This is the same girl that talks about herself in 3rd person too.

Having Pride in One's Work

Pride is often seen as a negative trait to have. It makes a person seem cocky and stubborn and often makes them believe they don’t need anyone else’s help or advice. However, having pride in one’s own work is extremely important. As a person, you are the only one you should be trying to impress. No one else’s opinion should matter but your own. Let’s face it, despite the fact that friends and family say they will always be there for you, ultimately only you will be there for yourself when it truly matters. Thus, don’t you think you should do work that you would be proud of? If you poured your heart and soul into a piece of work and took the time to actually do it, it deserves to have your approval. You need to be proud of your work because perhaps no one else will. You can never please everyone and sometimes you won’t please anyone. Therefore, you should only please yourself. It is perfectly ok to be humble sometimes; in fact, humbleness is a virtue. However, pride is a virtue as well. It shows you acknowledge that you took the responsibility to take on a task and you executed that task with as much precision as you could. It is ok to give thanks to those that helped you accomplish your task; however you must remember that they did not complete the task. You did. This is why it is important to have pride in your work, so that you may be proud of yourself.


Diversity can be a plethora of things. It can be a catchphrase used by colleges and universities to entice students of color to apply or a bragging right of a notoriously monorace job hoping to attract other applicants to apply. However, to me diversity is evident in environments where diversity really isn’t advertised. Diversity can be found on the streets, in the malls, and yes even in schools. It is being able to sit back and see the different types of people and all the characteristics that differentiate them from each other; the way they dress, their hair color, the way the talk, their accent, their sex, their sexual orientation, the way they carry themselves, their food preference, their book preference, their unique experiences, their ideas, and finally their race and ethnicity. It makes everything so much more interesting than being a pool full of cookie cutter type people. Diversity really is the spice of life. If we were to look at our everyday lives, we would notice we all value diversity more than we think. There is a reason why our friends each have their own personality and why we seek certain people on certain days. It is because we all know each person is special and we want the diversity of having all of them around us. Diversity to me is not simply about where a person is from or what their skin color is. It also about their talents, their preferences, their skills, and their personality that makes each person different and makes out world diverse.


Webster’s Dictionary defines cooperation as “the association of persons for a common benefit”. In simpler words, when we cooperate, we are working together towards a goal that will benefit all of us. This is also what cooperation means to me. Cooperation is working with people that perhaps you do not socialize with, yet you are all in agreement that what you are doing will be beneficial to all of us. This in turn teaches us to be tolerant of others. In a world as diverse as ours, we need to learn how to work together for our own means. This may seem selfish, but a world where people don’t cooperate isn’t a functioning society. When we cooperate, we can actually help fix a common problem. Take the problem with global warming for example. If just one person recycles and conserves water and electricity, then it won’t make much of an impact. Yet, if we all work together and cooperate, we can make a significant impact on our reduction of pollution. What’s more, we all benefit from the stopping global warming because we all inhabit the same planet; where would we go if this planet was too depleted and trashed to be habitable. Therefore, cooperation is more than simply agreeing to work with another; it is agreeing to work with another knowing that whatever happens, good or bad, we’d all be in this together. Cooperation is not always pleasant and enjoyable, especially if you’re working with people you don’t particularly like. However, the end result will always make up for it.

Communication in the 21st Century

Without a doubt, communication has changed drastically in the last 20 years. Twenty years ago, if you wanted to have a conversation with someone that lived in a different state, then you’d have to dial the number on a phone and see if the person would pick up. Or, you could also go and talk to your neighbor or someone who lived in close proximities to you. Now however, computers and cell phones have revolutionized communication. With social networks such as Facebook and Twitter, we no longer have to call people if we want to talk to them. We merely have to send them a “Tweet” or write on their wall. We also don’t need any sort of face to face interaction either since the Internet provides us with all we need to know about a person. Cell phones have also given us the liberty of texting. Instead of calling someone and wasting our precious vocal chords, we just need to type our message, send it, and we can be assured that the person will receive it. Communication has gone viral, for the most part. Technology does all our thinking and talking for us. It has even created its own language. Teachers are far too aware of the notorious texting language that includes such phrases such as “lol” (laughing out loud) and “ily” (I love you). What does all this mean for us? It means that our communication is becoming less and less personal with the more new antics we discover we can use. We know there is a problem when we are chatting on Facebook with someone who is in the same room as us.

Teachers need to Provide More AP and Honors classes

Today’s hiring managers are more often  looking for a college degree from their applicants; Advanced and Honors classes are vital to a student’s success as they make their way through high school and apply to colleges. An AP course prepares students to take the AP for the subject and if the student receives a passing grade, then they receive a certain amount of college credit as regulated by each individual college; whether or not they pass the test, however, the students are still enrolled a class that greatly mirrors a college course. An article in USA Today states, “State-based studies by the National Center for Educational Accountability in Texas and the University of California-Berkeley, to name two, show that students who pass AP exams are more likely to earn a bachelor's degree than those who don't pass” (Marklain). Therefore, AP students are more prepared for college than their regular classes counterparts. Honors classes are obviously more advanced than regular classes yet less strenuous than AP classes. Daniel de Vise of the Washington Post describes honors classes as being able to read two Charles Dickens books in the same time their counterparts read one and may also assign more elaborate writing assignments to delve deeper into the material (de Vise). Thus honors classes can be implemented as a sedge way into AP classes. College courses are seen by school officials as an alternative that students are at liberty take if the school doesn’t offer the advanced classes. However, a study conducted by University of Texas at Austin researchers Linda Hargrove and Barbara Dodd and Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board researcher Donn Godin have found “AP students do better in college than similar students who have taken college courses in high school. This finding confirms the view of several selective college admissions deans that the local college offerings, called dual enrollment courses, are often not as challenging as AP” and likewise “students with similar SAT or ACT scores and economic backgrounds do better in college if they have taken the AP courses and exams” (Mathews). School officials and administrators make a living teaching our children and giving them the tools they need to be successful in college and in their overall lives; if they have the resources to give our children the edge and the knowledge the need, would it not be negligent to withhold resources and materials that might very well be the difference between going to college prepared and going to college unprepared, to struggle, and possibly drop out?


As humans, we are always looking for things that make our lives easier and once we find them, we find it hard to let them go. Decades ago, people didn’t have calculators to solve their math problems. They actually had to do all the equations and work by hand, as unbelievable as it sounds. A decade ago, people didn’t have Iphones. Imagine a life without smart phones? Conveniences such as these make our lives much easier. As stated before, calculators have simplified the way we do math and have reduced the headaches students get in math class. Computers now account for everything that we do. They tally what stores sell on a daily basis, they allow us to shop from the comfort of our own home, and they allow us to stay connected with people who live away from us or reconnect with those we haven’t seen in awhile. Facebook and Twitter have truly revolutionized the way we communicate with each other because they allow us to do this. Smart phones have now combined the convenience of computers with that of phones. We can now carry our computers in our pockets and take care of any sort of business that we need to without having to find a local computer. Although these conveniences are great, we are becoming too depended on them. How many of you have freaked out when you realized you didn’t have your phone or that it was uncharged? Or how many times have you thought you could get absolutely nothing done when you didn’t have Internet on your computer? We can do so much more than we give ourselves credit for. We need to remember how productive and ingenious we were before these conveniences took over our lives.

Fame and Fortune

There are many ways a person can achieve fame and fortune. The most popular way is by breaking into the entertainment industry. Many people aspire to become famous actresses, musicians, singers, dancers, models, and television personalities. They believe breaking into the business and getting fame is as easy as walking into a casting call. However, they are unaware of all the hard work that goes into it. The best actors and actresses have studied their craft for years at prestigious schools and academies and have taken on numerous small roles before they finally made it big. It is very rare that a new comer will just star in one role that skyrockets them to fame. Singers have to have been born with a talent to sing and even then they practice their whole lives to have everything perfect. They must also choose the appropriate songs that will make them appealing to the public so they will buy the CDs and download their music. Models also have to have been born with a unique look and a thin physique that will make them desirable on a runway. Nevertheless, once people achieve fame and fortune, they are thrust into a fragile and complicated world that can easily be taken away from them. Their every move is constantly followed and documented and they have almost no privacy. They do receive amazing perks, but they can also trade their dignity and self-respect for it. And for what? For a minute of a fame that can easily slip away? A bad song can make a singer be dropped from their record label and from the public’s eye. A bad movie role could make an actor lose his popularity. And any wrong move caught by the paparazzi could make any celebrity lose their status and then their fame.

The Environment

We are fortunate to be inhabitants of a wonderful planet, Earth. However, we are being extremely ungrateful and uncaring towards it. We are destroying our precious natural resources every day. The forests, for example, are being cut down to make space for more commercial space and renovation. We used to have thousands of acres of beautiful, lush green forests that symbolized America’s love of the great outdoors. However, the Earth’s surface is no longer decorated with this type of ecosystem. We are chopping down the forests to make room for more housing, factories, and even paper. Many people may not see the real problems this causes, since a forest is only a clump if trees. What they fail to see though is that by destroying the forest, we also cause a domino effect that traverses beyond simply cutting down trees. There are millions of animals that depend on the forests for food and shelter and as we cut down the forests, we are also driving these animals out of their homes. We are then putting them in danger because if the animals do not have a home, then they are in danger of extinction. If certain animals do go extinct and they happened to be the main food of other animals, then without their food supply, the other animals will also become extinct. Also, trees are beneficial to humans as they absorb large amounts of carbon monoxide from the air. They act, in a sense, as natural air purifiers. If there aren’t many trees, then there will be more carbon monoxide in the air which will damage our atmosphere and contribute to global warming. The forests are not merely a space that looks pretty on a post card; they are a vital part of nature and we must stop cutting them down and destroying them.

Health Concern

Across the United States, there is an increase in cases of drug abuse among teenagers in America. The statistics are staggering. It would be only too common that at least two students in your school that are using or have ever used drugs. The availability of drugs used to be only centered in the poorest of the ghettos in urban cities; however, that has changed with the newfound use of prescription drugs. Many of the commonly used prescription drugs such as cough syrup, Oxycotin, and Claritin D are all abused by teenagers in an attempt to “get high”. Then of course there are the illegal drugs that are widely popular including crystal meth, marijuana, cocaine, crack cocaine, heroin, Ecstasy, and LSD (also known as acid). Marijuana seems to be the most popular of the drugs as it results in a pleasant high and has not been known to have fatal consequences when used recreationally. However, it has its own problem as smoking it causes lung and respiratory problems. All drugs, however less threatening they may seem can cause fatal problems and complications. It is typical to mix different drugs at parties and then put yourself at risk for overdosing on the drugs. While overdosing does not always cause death, it can cause serious and possibly irrevocable damage on the body. America needs to wake up and realize what is occurring in our own children’s bedrooms behind closed doors. Every teenager in America is susceptible to using drugs; drug abuse is not limited to a specific race, gender, or social class. It can occur to anyone and occurs everywhere. We need to  put a stop to this so that we may stop children from dyeing.

Teen Smoking

Teenage smoking is becoming a wide epidemic in America. There are many reasons why teenagers are enticed to light up. The most obvious reason is stress. Teens today are extremely stressed. There is more pressure to do well in school, play a variety of sports, take part in multiple extracurricular activities, and get accepted into the best colleges. Parents of these teens demand only the best from their children and add to the already high pressure. At the same time, teenagers have to learn how to balance school life and extracurricular with their social life. Friends are the most important aspects in a teen’s life and they will not ignore them. Smoking is known to relieve stress and help users relax, thus teens would use it as an escape. However, smoking is also seen as a “cool” activity and since friends are a huge influence, it is easy for teens to fall under peer pressure and take up the habit. What are the results of smoking? Smoking causes inevitable undesirable and sometimes deadly results. Smoking is a known cause of lung cancer, a disease that cannot be cured. Lung cancer can make a person’s life miserable and even cause death. Aside from lung cancer, other respiratory problems can arise from the smoking that can make a person more susceptible to other diseases. Heart attacks and cardiac arrests in smokers aren’t uncommon either. Hence, smoking does not result in anything beneficial to the user. It is a one-way ticket to health and skin problems that can never be reversed.


Math; the word itself brings chills down most people’s spines. This four letter word is synonymous with headaches and near tear convulsions in the classrooms and in testing rooms. Honestly, many people do not like math because it can be confusing and mentally demanding. Yet, the truth of the matter is math is a required subject and it is important in our everyday lives. How could you live a normal life if you couldn’t do simple mental math? For example, as an avid shopper, I often need to use math to estimate how much a sweater is if it is marked to be 45% off the original price. Then I would have to calculate to see if I have enough money to buy it and still have a sufficient amount left over. This would be impossible without knowing how to do math. Also, we would need to know how to count simple things as well. If not, how would we know how much of anything we would need? I am not advocating that every person needs to know calculus and trigonometry because in all honesty, they don’t. In our normal day to day lives, it would be highly unlikely that we would need to know how to find the derivative of a function. However, we should know basic math that includes algebra and perhaps algebra 2. Luckily, new technology has made knowing math easier for us. There are multiple phone apps that do all the work for you and you don’t have to strain your mind. However, it is inevitable that we know math.

People and the foods the eat

It is a mystery why some people choose healthy foods to eat and some choose junk food. Perhaps the most obvious reason for the difference is the availability of these foods. Let’s face it, Americans are lazy. We will take advantage of the things that are in the closet proximities to us as they can be. Fast food restaurants are regretfully found on every corner of almost every American city. Therefore, it is much easier to drive into the drive thru and order a high calories and high fat food than it would be to drive around town looking for the healthiest option. On that same note, we are a stressed and time deprived people. We may be lazy, yet we are often forced to be overworked and have no time to think and plan our healthy meal options. Fast food and pre-packaged foods are an unhealthy yet quick alternative to sitting down in a restaurant or preparing our own meals. They are also cheaper and more economical than buying organic food. It is far more tempting to buy Cheetos and Pop Tarts at the grocery store although you know quite well that apples and low-fat milk would do you and your children more good because the unhealthier options also happen to be less expensive than the healthy food. Thus, sometimes people do not have a choice in the food that they eat. If they are unable to afford healthy food, then they will intake unhealthy food. If they don’t have the time to drive to the most health-conscious restaurant in town or prepare their own meals, then they will be fast food customers.


People often say, “Don’t judge a book by its cover.” In other words, appearances don’t tell the whole story. In a society as judgmental as ours, it can be hard for us to remember such a simple fact. I have to admit I’ve been guilty of this act many times. The most memorable of these incidents occurred when I entered my freshman year of high school and met someone who eventually proved me wrong on so many levels.
            Freshman year is a blur to me as it was four years ago. However, I distinctly remember my first encounter with Sharlyn Navarrete. I first saw her as I was exploring the school and as I walked past her, she had an overpowering air of obnoxious attitude that it nearly choked me. It took all the self-control I had within me to stop myself from bursting her bubble with cruel and blunt words. She didn’t even smile at me when I strolled by; on the contrary, she gave me the most annoying look one teenage girl could give another. It was an invitation for a verbal confrontation and for more aggressive and impulsive people, it could have been the start of a silent but obvious war. However, I was running for Freshman President, therefore I needed her support, whether she liked me or not. I went up to her with a sweet smile and asked for her vote and quite honestly, I couldn’t have cared less what her thoughts of me were. At that time, I thought I was higher than anyone else anyway. Jealousy was a word I associated with many grudges against me.
            I later learned Sharlyn didn’t vote for me and it was true; she didn’t like me, just as I didn’t like her. However, as the year went on, I learned she wasn’t what I originally saw her to be. She wasn’t obnoxious but rather kind and genuine. I did think she was weird and she hasn’t proven me wrong on that note, however, the better word to describe her would have to eccentric. I never would have thought, looking back on that first day of freshman year, that she and I would actually be friends. But by some small miracle, she’s become a person I can call when I need a laugh and the perfect victim for my Jersey Shore obsession. Looks can be deceiving and when you judge a book by its cover, then you are really missing out on everything that makes a person worth knowing.

Persuasive Essay 7-My All Time Favorite Movie

Prompt: What is your all-time favorite movie and why? Write an essay persuading readers to watch this film.
The Best Movie of All Time
Movies are a huge part of our lives. They’re the easiest thing to watch when we’re bored, when it’s a cold and rainy day, and they’re the most common date choice. However, there is an abundance of movie we can all enjoy, although not all movies are worth watching. My all time favorite movie is “Mean Girls”. “Mean Girls” is an entertaining movie that combines all aspects of a classic film; an entertaining and dramatic plot, excellent cast, and memorable quotes.
            “Mean Girls” is centered around the typical high school clique drama. Cady Herron is the new girl in town that just moved from Africa. She has been homeschooled all her life and is then thrust into the vicious world of high school. Regina George, Gretchen Weiners, and Karen Smith make up the “It” clique, The Plastics, and they invite Cady to join their exclusive clique. Suddenly, Cady has to learn how to maneuver the feral and unpredictable world of “Girl World” and realizes how alike it is to the animal world she knew of in Africa. Things become even more complicated when Cady’s love interest turns out to be Regina’s ex-boyfriend (“Girl World” Rule Number 1 is you can never date an ex-boyfriend) and she becomes the new Queen Bee.  How does Cady balance her morals with her desires of becoming popular? In short, how does everything work out? You’ll just have to watch the complete movie for that answer
            No matter how good a movie’s plot may be, its cast is what truly makes the movie worth watching. “Mean Girls” stars three of today’s most successful young stresses. Lindsay Lohan plays the part of Cady Herron, Rachel McAdams is Regina George, and Amanda Seyfried is Karen Smith. These three actresses are obviously not the only talent in the movie; however their amazing performances helped launch their successful careers. The whole cast is a mix of comical young performers that give a believable and excellent performance. There have been many movies where critics have been put off by the actors because they “can’t act” and their lack of talent distracts from the actual movie. Not so with “Mean Girls”.  You can feel the underlying frost from Regina’s words, the naivety of Cady, the gay manner of Dameon, and it all takes you back to your high school days when you were victimizing the lesser students-or perhaps you were the victim.
            Perhaps the most infamous aspect of “Mean Girls” is the memorable quotes that continue to be in people’s minds six years after the movie first was released. The writers of this movie truly did a superb job. Who hasn’t use the word “Fetch” to compliment something or randomly shouted out, “She doesn’t even go here!”? Facebook has numerous fan pages and groups dedicated solely to the hilarious quotes made by the actors in the movie. Among the most popular quotes are “one time [Regina] punched me in the face; it was awesome”, "If you're from Africa...why are you white? Oh my God Karen, you can't just ask people why they're white” and “Do You Wanna Do Something Fun? You Wanna Go To Taco Bell?” Many of these quotes actually offer answers to a few of our own problems-“I don't hate you because you're fat - you're fat because I hate you”-and some actually teach us lessons, especially about the importance of forgiveness-I'm sorry I laughed at you that time you got diarrhea at Barnes & Nobles. And I'm sorry for telling everyone about it. And I'm sorry for repeating it now”. Whatever it may be, “Mean Girls” quotes have infiltrated the minds of American teenagers and are used as random one-liners to get smiles out of people every day.
            There are thousands of movies we can choose to watch but my go-to movie shall always be “Mean Girls”. It’s the perfect balance of drama and comedy all tied in together with a talented cast of actors. It is a movie that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and backgrounds. Who knows? Perhaps you will catch yourself mentally replying to someone with a “Mean Girls” quote. I believe that would be so fetch!

Personal Essay

Eminem, in his song “Lose Yourself”, stated that “Opportunities come/Once in a lifetime”. Basically, he’s saying to never let an opportunity pass you by because there are no second chances. I had never understood this quite until I failed to take advantage of an opportunity and was then left with a heartbreaking disappointment.
            I am a self-proposed shopaholic; shopping is my own personal drug. It is not uncommon for me to go on random shopping sprees and snatch up whatever I like at the moment. My biggest outcome of the sprees is dresses; I own too many dresses to actually wear. One warm summer day, I went to my local mall to seek refuge from the heat and of course, spend money. I strolled into Windsor, casually glancing at all the dresses, when I saw It! The most beautiful dress I had ever laid eyes on was perched high above the wall on a hanger for everyone to admire. It was a fuchsia ball gown with a V-neck halter neckline, corset lacing top, and hundreds of glittery sparkling stones. I immediately demanded that I try it on. I instantly fell in love with it when I looked at myself in the mirror; the corset top, covered eith an intricate design of sequins, stones, and crystals, made my waist look tiny while the bottom waterfall of ruffles complimented the hourglass shape. When I walked I felt as if I was wearing a pink cloud. I felt, not like a princess, but like a queen.
            So now what to do with the masterpiece? At the time I didn’t have an occasion to wear it so it would just sit in my closet collecting dust until the right moment arose to let it shine. Four hundred dollars was also a lot of money to spend on something I wasn’t going to wear. At least, this is how I reasoned with myself so as to stop myself from running to the cashier with the dress on and walking out the store like that. Instead, I decided to leave it and ponder for a few days whether or not I should buy it.  I went home and thought about how amazing the dress looked and how beautiful it was. In fact, I kept thinking about it every day for 3 straight weeks. Finally, after a month of deliberating, I went back to Windsor with the intent to buy the dress. When I asked the sales woman where the dress was, she gave me a pitiful look and said, “Oh I’m sorry, we’re out of stock. But I can show you some other nice ones if you’d like,” No I don’t want other nice ones! I wanted MY dress!
            As you might very well have guessed, I left the store that day heartbroken and disappointed. Life is notorious for teaching us hard lessons and I can now attest to that fact. I learned that whenever an opportunity arises, I should take advantage of it immediately. The longer I take to “think over it” the less chance I have of actually getting it. Life doesn’t wait for anybody; I should never think it was going to for me. So next time I see a dress I completely adore, I will buy it. I might wait a day or two, but I will never waste time envisioning something I could simply make a reality.

Persuasive Essay 6-Small v. Large Families

Prompt: A few decades ago, many families had half a dozen or more children. Nowadays, more and more families are choosing to have only one or two children. Are smaller families better than larger ones? Why or why not? State your position and support it with specific reasons and examples.
In the time of the 1950s and 1960s, the traditional ideal family was pictured as a family of four; a mother, a father, and 2 children, preferably one daughter and one son.  This was the picture perfect family that lived in a quaint white picket fenced enclosed house. Nowadays, however, families have grown considerably with as much as eight or more children (the “Octomom, Nadia Sullivan, is a prime example). This then poses the question whether it is more beneficial to have a larger or smaller family. Having a larger family is not a superior idea because the children will not have the adequate attention, it contributes to over population, and it causes strain on a family’s budget.
            Having a large family with many children will make it extremely difficult to pay each child equal attention.  Every child has a different personality and different means. It is inevitable that parents will be forced to pay more attention to the child that displays a more urgent need than the others. This becomes an obvious problem when there are many children in one family because preference will create a harsh division in the family. How would a child feel if he or she sees their parents paying more attention to their sibling than them? Likewise, how would parents feel knowing that they have more children they have to care for yet they are forced to tend more to one specific child? A larger family will only contribute to the stress and jealousy problems already present when having more than one child.
            It is common knowledge that our planet Earth is becoming overpopulated. There are currently 6 billion people in the world, with 9000 people born every hour. With more people in the world, there is a greater need for natural resources and land for housing. We are already exhausting our resources and scientists soon predict that there will be a severe water shortage in the world-among other issues-because our depleted planet cannot accommodate such a high population. A family with only 2 or 3 children may not greatly contribute to this predicament. However, imagine a family of 6 children; if no disease or natural disaster occur, these 6 children will grow up, have children of their own, and then they too will be contributors of over population. On a smaller scale, over population is evident in America’s freeways. Los Angeles, for example, has one of the worst traffic congestion in the nation; the roads are packed with cars during rush hour. Returning once again to the family of 6 children, if each one of them receives a driver’s license and begins to drive, then that is 6 other cars on the freeway among other drivers and soon-to-be drivers. There will be a point where there will be far too many people in the world on comparison to space and resources.
            Many people may say it is an exaggeration that the world will become too overpopulated for its own good. Likewise, they may say it is possible to provide each child with equal and adequate attention; if people are unable to multitask, then they clearly are not fit to be parents. While this is true, an irrefutable fact of having a large family is that money is a tremendous issue; it is far more expensive to provide for a large family than it is for a smaller family. Simply put, a larger family translates to more people and more mouths to feed. A trip to the grocery store for a family of 7 will cost more than that of a family of 4 because you shall be purchasing more products and therefore spending more money. Not to mention the trivial and common products that all children want and as they grow older age, so do the products grow in price.  A well-off and wealthy family may find it less difficult to provide for a larger family, yet the rest of the population that earn less than the 1% of Americans who own most of the wealth may find that having a large family in these hard economic times is extremely problematic and obtuse.
            Many love having a large family because it often entails being surrounded by loved ones or at the very least being surrounded by people in general. Unfortunately, having a family of that size comes with dire consequences. There is great concern that the children will not have the adequate attention, it contributes to over population, and it causes strain on a family’s budget due to the expensive reality of providing for many people.  Being a part of a larger family does not mean guarantee happiness; therefore, every couple must analyze their living situation and determine what type of family they can benefit from and which will benefit from them.


Persuasive Essay 5-Animal Experimentation

Prompt: Medical researchers, cosmetic companies, and others perform experiments on animals. Many people feel that experimentation on animals is wrong and should be stopped immediately because animals do feel pain and there are other alternatives. How do you feel? State your position and explain your reasons.
Experiments are a vital part of the scientific process and the process of creating a new product or a medical treatment. Consumers and patients feel safer when we know what we put on our bodies and what doctors are doing to it is generally safe. However, to achieve this sense of security, it is quite often animals who are forced to the (no pun intended) guinea pigs if these experiments. Oftentimes the experiments bring about disastrous or even deadly results before it reaches us, causing these innocent animals to suffer. Is the harming of one being for the sake of others right? Experimentation on animals is an action that should be stopped because it is causing unnecessary harm to animals and is thus morally wrong; likewise, as the amount of animal experimentation increases, so shall the number of animal deaths increase.
            Every year, millions of animals are poisoned, blinded, and even killed in cruel ways to evaluate the toxic nature of consumer products and surgical procedures. They are forced to swallow or inhale chemicals to observe and analyze the effects they have on the animals and oftentimes the results are extremely painful. However, it is known that sometimes these experiments produce no concrete answers. The molecular make up of animals can be drastically different from that of humans. The chemicals can react differently in humans than in animals; therefore the only way to confirm the reactions of products is to try them on actual humans. Experimenting vaccines on animals is similar because the vaccine may cause a different reaction in humans than it does in animals. Many companies already know this and conduct human research studies after their initial experiments on mice and other animals. In fact, products that make animals blind can also be sold to the general public. If companies understand that humans and animals are not the biologically equal and yet continue to experiment on animals before experimenting on humans, then they are causing unnecessary suffering for the animals that won’t produce the desired results.
            As a society, we would be in an uproar if we were told people were being harmed or killed in experiments that produce inconclusive results that require more testing anyway. Why, then, are animals not included in our concerns for equality? Many would say that animals are not the same as humans and require less attention. They are correct; animals and humans are not the same. However, animals do feel pain. It is evident by their squeal and their tortured screams that animals do indeed process pain just as much as humans do. Animals can die from these experiments or at the very least they are left with disfiguring disabilities that make them incapable of living normal lives. Is it not wrong to cause pain and deaths to other beings? We are allowing our doctors and scientists to murder, the very the same thing they are sworn not to do. How can we let animals suffer and be killed for the mere hope of realizing cosmetic and medical advances that will eventually be tried on humans anyway?
            If we continue allowing animals to be used and killed for experimentation purposes, where does this lead us to? It leads us to a world with a smaller animal population. We are already reducing our animal population by cutting down the forests and driving the animals off their own lands. Animal testing is becoming another contributing to factors to the extinction of animals. Scientists and doctors are killing them with their chemicals or leaving them so worse off that they might as well kill them. This reduces the number of animals out in the wild and destroys our precious ecosystems that rely on a variety of animals. If we continue to allow animal testing, we will no longer have a surplus of animal wildlife nor will we have the amount necessary to keep our planet vibrant and prospering.
            Testing on animals has lead to great medical and cosmetic advances, but at what price? Animal experimentation does more harm to the innocent animals than it does good for humans. It causes unnecessary pain to animals and is thus morally wrong because animals deserve to be harmed no more than humans. Also, as the amount of animal experimentation increases, so shall the number of animal deaths increase, which will cause our planet do be barren of these amazing creatures. Animals are not disposable and if we don’t take care of them now and stop animal testing, then it may be too late and there will be no more animals to experiment on.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

The Internet

The Internet is a vast space filled with endless amounts of knowledge. It is useful for a wide variety of reasons. Students use it as a researching tool to aid them in their schoolwork, business owners use it as a way to advertise their businesses, and regular people use it as means of communicating with each other and the world. It is probably this last reason why most people use the Internet. The Internet allows users to communicate with people far away from them via social networks, chat rooms, e-mail, and forums. This universal reach is a great allure to various people. It is much easier to recruit people to your cause if you can reach millions of people at one time. In this way it has revolutionized important events such as political elections. People from all over the world can now voice their opinions on particular candidates and the issues no matter if they pertain to them or not.  It also provides each and every person who has access to it a way to know news from around the world and they have the liberty to access it from the comfort of their own homes. Now nobody has any real excuse to be ignorant of the events that go on in the world around them. For the providers of the Internet access, it is merely another way to make money. They often also provide other services that include phone service, cable, and satellite. But for whatever reason it may be, the Internet is the best way to keep the whole world networked.

Persuasive Essay 4-Is America the best country?

Prompt: Many people immigrate to the United States because they believe that it is better than their native country. In fact, many people believe that the United States is the best country in the world. Do you agree? Why or why not?
America prides itself on being the “Land of Opportunity”. Everyday thousands of people come to America, both legally and illegally, to find a better life than what they have in their native country. Therefore, there has become a presumption that America is the best country in the world. However, this belief is false. America is actually a country covered in its own flaws that include an unequal economic system, overpopulated cities, and an inadequate public system.
            Many immigrants come to America chasing the “American Dream”, the ideal life in America categorized as owning your own house with a white picket fence, a car, and a stable job. However, they are unaware that there’s a striking division in America’s economic system. The top 1% of America’s wealthy own 34% of the total wealth. The rest of the population (which more often than not includes immigrants) suffer from earning minimum wage, handle more than 1 job, and refrain from obtaining necessary luxuries. The Middle and Lower classes of America certainly work for a living if they can find jobs. In hard economic times, America is a horrible place to be because it is almost impossible to find a job, causing the poor to toil in whatever they can or accept being homeless. In contrast, the wealthy continue to live their comfortable lives.
            It is no secret that the world is becoming more populated; one need only come to America’s biggest cities to see this with their eyes. Los Angeles has the worst traffic in the West Coast and the streets of New York are crowded with people. There are simply too many people in America’s large metropolitan cities. Yet, most of the opportunities available are found in these cities causing immigrants and more Americans to flock to these places. Overcrowding has led to the housing in these places to be less than favorable if you have a low-income. The most common form of housing is apartments that overlook the largely polluted streets. More people s synonymous with more crime and dirtier streets, making overcrowded American cities not exactly picture perfect.
            Immigrants may claim to view Americans as a wonderful land where their children can have a better future. Thus, the parents of these children are relying on America’s public school system; however, this can be a lost cause. Public schools in America are in dire need of help. They find it hard to compete with the more prestigious private schools. Public schools receive less funding than private or charter schools and that results in fewer classes with more students per class. This makes for a difficult learning environment  for students because more students generally means there will be less books in the class to use and the teacher will have a hard time controlling the class, causing a distracting and unproductive environment. Also, most states have implemented certain standards that they mandate all teachers to adhere to; this restricted teaching prevents teachers from using creative methods of teaching to truly give their students knowledge. Perhaps this is the reason why the math and science scores of American students are significantly lower than those in Japan and China; American students are slaves to a public school system that doesn’t teach them to use critical thinking skills to solve problems.
America’s wealthy status symbols and its proud history have caused Americans to believe their country is the best; the seemingly endless opportunities of acquiring wealth and living the “American Dream” are what have made immigrants think America is the best country in the world. However, they are wrong. They are unaware of the harsh segregation of social classes in America that cause the lower classes to work harder, the sordid conditions of America’s large cities due to over crowdedness, and its flawed public school system. Sometimes immigrants come to America to escape a sort of oppression in their own country but sometimes these people are better off staying in their own country because coming here simply means being oppressed in other ways. America is one of the strongest countries in the world and there are privileges in living here, but it is far from being the best country in the world.

Reality Shows-Persuasive Essay 3

Prompt: Today there are more and more reality shows on television. Do these shows make good television? Why or why not? Explain your answer using specific reasons and explanations.
            Have you ever believed your life to be a complete mess, full of drama and stress? Has it ever occurred to you that your life would make for good entertainment if it was happening to someone else? That’s the general idea behind the reality television shows; show the distorted, yet entertaining, lives of regular people or celebrities that try to exude an aura of normalcy. The current trend in television is actually an abundance of reality shows on all networks. But do these shows make good television? I firmly believe reality shows make for excellent television because they give us a chance to learn different about cultures, they are generally non-scripted, and are truly entertaining.
            Reality television shows give people an opportunity to experience different cultures from the comfort of their own homes. Shows such as the “Biggest Loser” give us an inside view of the hardships that overweight people face and how they suffer when trying to get healthy. Reality shows like those inspire viewers to better their lives. Meanwhile, shows such as “Real Housewives” and the various celebrity reality shows are windows to the different lives of the wealthy and famous. Many of us, whether we admit to it or not, are at the very least curious as to how the infamous live their wild lives and reality shows are our opportunities to see how they do. From our living rooms, we can see how people of different cultures, pop culture or not, behave and interact.
            Many of the shows that we see on television are scripted and at times can have predictable outcomes; reality shows are a fresh alternative. The general idea of filming a reality show is a camera crew follows people around in their daily lives. Thus, whatever the actors do or say is completely from their own minds. We get to see real people living their real lives. What’s most tempting is that the viewers come to ask themselves if their own lives are good enough for TV; this is actually how many of today’s reality TV stars began their successful careers. One can say that these reality shows agree with America’s capitalist mentality of entrepreneurship and making your own fortune. Admittedly, some of these shows are mildly scripted. The cast of MTV’s “Laguna Beach” admitted that in their last two seasons the producers and directors instructed them on what to say and how to act. However, the show was created and began around the cast’s original and authentic love triangles. Perhaps it was scripted near the end, but the show gained popularity and credibility when it began as a non scripted reality show and the cast had already made names for themselves.
            Why do reality television shows continue to dominate American television? The simple answer is that they are simply entertaining. Americans enjoy sitting in front of the television and watching other people either accomplish great things or make total fools of themselves. They are shows and shows are made for our entertainment. The popular show “Jersey Shore” (now in its second season) has been classified as annoying and disgraceful as well as widely compelling. The show centers around the uncontrollable party lives of eight Italian Americans. Residents of New Jersey and the Italian American community say this show disgraces their people and is a misrepresentation of their state and culture; many Americans simply say this is a horrible and stupid show. Yet, millions of others believe the opposite and have consequently made this one of MTV’s most popular shows and have launched these nobodies to celebrity status. After watching episodes of the show, I have personally concluded that it is pointless yet highly addicting to watch. It can only be described as a guilty pleasure. As human beings, we enjoy criticizing each other and these reality shows give us that opportunity to safely do so. It can be agreed, then, that we do not watch reality shows for anything more than entertainment reasons.
            There are hundreds of options of shows to watch on television, yet reality shows continue to be among the favorites. The most obvious reason is that they are amusing and an escape from our own overly stressful lives. They also allow us to see how other people live and decide for ourselves if they really are any different from us because most of these shows are unscripted. Viewers can see people for who they are and in their own environment. Perhaps they help us make a change in our lives. In my case, after watching “Jersey Shore”, I’ve made a new decision in my life; GTL is the way to live!