Tuesday, November 23, 2010

People and the foods the eat

It is a mystery why some people choose healthy foods to eat and some choose junk food. Perhaps the most obvious reason for the difference is the availability of these foods. Let’s face it, Americans are lazy. We will take advantage of the things that are in the closet proximities to us as they can be. Fast food restaurants are regretfully found on every corner of almost every American city. Therefore, it is much easier to drive into the drive thru and order a high calories and high fat food than it would be to drive around town looking for the healthiest option. On that same note, we are a stressed and time deprived people. We may be lazy, yet we are often forced to be overworked and have no time to think and plan our healthy meal options. Fast food and pre-packaged foods are an unhealthy yet quick alternative to sitting down in a restaurant or preparing our own meals. They are also cheaper and more economical than buying organic food. It is far more tempting to buy Cheetos and Pop Tarts at the grocery store although you know quite well that apples and low-fat milk would do you and your children more good because the unhealthier options also happen to be less expensive than the healthy food. Thus, sometimes people do not have a choice in the food that they eat. If they are unable to afford healthy food, then they will intake unhealthy food. If they don’t have the time to drive to the most health-conscious restaurant in town or prepare their own meals, then they will be fast food customers.

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