Friday, November 26, 2010

Fighting Siblings

Through thick and thin, family always stays together. They are the ones that will always be with you no matter what you may do. Brothers and sisters especially share a close bond that can very rarely be replicated. However, it is a well known fact that siblings are constantly bickering. At times, this is considered normal and it is a healthy exercise to release unnecessary stress and tensions that can build up in the family. Yet, if the bickering is excessive, it can lead to harsh problems in the family. Constant fighting can make siblings see a rivalry between each other because the parents will more often than not give the benefit of the doubt to one of the siblings. This can be the start of a lifelong feud harbored between siblings. They can start to avoid each other and disturb the balance in the family. The best way to deal with situations like these is to pay no preferred attention to either sibling. Allow the siblings to fight out their problems but don’t intervene. Later remind each one to have an open mind and listen to the other’s opinions and consider that perhaps they have reason to say what they did. If the fighting becomes too intense, however, it would be wise to call a professional in. there are many good family psychiatrists that could pinpoint your children’s true reasons for fighting and help them and the whole family to resolve them. This way, the family can return to a normal balance.

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