Tuesday, November 23, 2010


Diversity can be a plethora of things. It can be a catchphrase used by colleges and universities to entice students of color to apply or a bragging right of a notoriously monorace job hoping to attract other applicants to apply. However, to me diversity is evident in environments where diversity really isn’t advertised. Diversity can be found on the streets, in the malls, and yes even in schools. It is being able to sit back and see the different types of people and all the characteristics that differentiate them from each other; the way they dress, their hair color, the way the talk, their accent, their sex, their sexual orientation, the way they carry themselves, their food preference, their book preference, their unique experiences, their ideas, and finally their race and ethnicity. It makes everything so much more interesting than being a pool full of cookie cutter type people. Diversity really is the spice of life. If we were to look at our everyday lives, we would notice we all value diversity more than we think. There is a reason why our friends each have their own personality and why we seek certain people on certain days. It is because we all know each person is special and we want the diversity of having all of them around us. Diversity to me is not simply about where a person is from or what their skin color is. It also about their talents, their preferences, their skills, and their personality that makes each person different and makes out world diverse.

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