Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Explaining Pollution to an Alien

Welcome to planet Earth, my extra terrestrial visitor. As you may have noticed, Earth is a beautiful planet, filled with lush greenness all around, even in the sky. On your left, you will see an overloaded landfill of trash. Yes it may be disgusting and gross, yet we as a society produce a lot of trash and we have to put it somewhere. Sometimes the place where we dump our trash can get a bit overloaded and it becomes just a huge trash pile. When that happens, we simply find a new place to dump it in. On your right, you’ll notice that acres of barren land. There used to be lush forests there filled with beautiful animals right in that same place, however we are so dead set on making more paper, building more factories, and making more homes. The animals, if you were wondering, have either been extinct or have relocated to new locations are facing extinction. If you look up, you will see that you can hardly see the sky. That is because our factories produce so much smog that at times and in certain industrial cities, the smog makes it almost impossible to see the clear night sky and actually harms the lungs of our citizens. Just as much as we take care of our air is as much as we take care of our waters. Our oceans are filled with trash and toxic waste that we just can’t seem to dumpy anywhere else. Perhaps this will eventually harm our planet but for now, we’re ok. I hope you enjoy your stay on Earth!

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