Friday, November 26, 2010

Day in the life of Fehbe

What happens in a typical day in the life of Fehbe? Not much can happen actually. I wake up, if I even went to sleep the night before anyway, and wash my face. Then I look at my closet and decide what to wear if the night before I was too lazy to lay out an outfit for the day. I get dressed but I don’t do my hair just yet. I do my makeup first and then I go into the kitchen and eat breakfast and afterwards I brush my teeth, do my hair, and I’m out the door. If it’s a school day, I go to school. I spend about 4 hours in that horrible jail and then I leave at lunch because I don’t have a close after lunch. Then I get home, check my Facebook, and look for something to eat. I usually take a nap after I eat for about 2 hours. Then I wake up and get dressed to go to work. I usually work about 5 hours at a jewelry store at the mall. I help the customers mach accessories with their dresses for whatever occasion they need. It’s the type of work that I enjoy because I love dressing people up. if I have to close, I vacuum the store and then do a quick mop of the whole store and lock the doors. It usually takes 45 minutes. Then I get home, change, find a party to go to and go out to wait until the next morning, when I start everything all over again.

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