Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Are Yuo Smarter than a 5th Grader?

Oh my gosh, I can't stop laughing! I can't believe I even considered to be on "Are You Smarter than a 5th Grader?" I really like that show because I feel so stupid watching it! But then again, that's why I chose to be on it. Here's what happened. I got on the show, met the host Jeff Foxworthy, met the class, and startedplaying. I was actually doing really well at first. I chose questions that I thought were easy. "How many sides does a trapezoid have?" What was the name of the ship the pilgrims first took to get to the U.S.?" How many years is one term for a U.S. representative?" "What is a noun?" You know, simple questions. I was on a roll, and I didn't even need to ask my student helper for any help! But then, they burst my bubble. I started getting questions that I had no idea I learned in 5th grade. "What color do you get when you combine an equal amount of red paint with an equal amount or yellow paint?" Ummmm.... "True or false: Polar bears eat penguins." How was I supposed to know they don't? "What nation has the longest border with the U.S.?" Aren't we like an only nation in North America? "Who was the first president to be impeached?" I never learned this in my life! "How many states are there?" Ok, maybe this question is embarrassing for me not to know but come on! I thought Hawaii, Alaska, and Puerto Rico made 52 states! Needless to say, I had to cheat and when I used that, I simply lost all my money. How embarrassing for a senior in an honors high school to not answer simple questions that 5th graders are overeager to answer. In my defense, the hot lights and audience made me nervous so I couldn't think straight. Yea, that's what happened. Oh my lanta, I need to go back to elementary school! Please, Harvrad, don't use this against me!

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