Sunday, December 5, 2010

Persuasive Essay 8-Bullying

Prompt: Elementary and secondary schools around the country are beginning to actively address the problem of bullies. In your opinion, is bullying an issue that should be addressed by schools or left to the parents? Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.  
Imagine having to wake up every morning with dread. You get dressed slowly, thinking all the while about the horrible place you are about to go to where you are abused both verbally and physically. This is the reality of school children who are victims of being bullied at school. This is an atrocious epidemic spreading across American schools. As education is a double relationship, both the school and the parents are equally responsible for preventing and stopping bullying at school.
            Children spend at least 8 hours a day at school every day, making teachers and school officials faces they see more often than even their own parents. Thus, school officials have a strong influence over matters that occur at their schools and they have a responsibility to take care of our children. If a child is being bullied and suffering at school, then the school officials are not doing their job. Some teachers may argue that they are only paid to teach children and give them an education. How are you going to teach a child if they are too terrified to go to school and are so miserable at school that they cannot process the information? School officials cannot reach students who are being bullied and, more often than not, the bully is a student who is not understanding from class instruction and takes out their frustrations on other children. Therefore, if a teacher is truly teaching, they are able to reach students who find the material hard so as to prevent them from attacking other students.
            It is an undeniable truth that parents hold the most responsibility of their children; they are, in fact, their, children. Parents must always take care of their children and watch out for their well-being. Many times this means parents must protect their children from harm. If their child is being bullied, parents must take matters into their hands and put a stop to it because someone is harming their child and as parents, it is their duty to protect them. They must cooperate with school officials and find ways to stop the bully from abusing their child.
            When parents and school officials work together, they can actually help stop the bullying problem. Everyone must first recognize the signs of bullying. If a child is uncharacteristically silent, moody, jumpy, and their school work is suffering, there is a high chance that that child is being bullied. If parents notice this first, they must go to the school and discuss the problem and ways to solve it that could include a meeting with the bully and his parents or a complete expulsion of the bully from the school. If school officials notice the problem first, they have the responsibility to notify the parents and then make the appropriate afterwards.
            Bullying is becoming a widespread problem in American schools and everyone wants to put a stop to it. The two most influential participants are the parents and school officials; they both have the responsibility to protect the children from bullying’s destructive effects. If they work together, they have the power of saving a suffering child’s innocent life.

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