Thursday, December 9, 2010

How weather affects mood

Have you ever noticed how your mood is different when the weather is gloomy in comparison to when it is nice and sunny? That is because the weather definitely affects your mood. If I wake up and see that the sun is shining, the birds, are singing, and there is not a cloud in the sky, my whole outlook on the day just got a little brighter. However, if I wake up and it is raining cats and dogs and I know I will have to venture outside myself and be in the cold wet rain, then I have good reason for the bad mood I would now be in. However, there are other types of weather that can produce moods and not every situation is synonymous with one mood. For example, if it is a blaring hot summer day and the sun burns everything in its sight, I will be cranky because it will be uncomfortably hot. However, if it is raining and I am indoors snuggled under my blankets with a cup of hot chocolate, then I find the rain and peaceful and I even welcome it. When it is snowing, people who are outside may be in a terrible mood because snow makes for dangerous conditions. Yet children rejoice in the snowflake’s fall. The weather affects your mood in relation to what your plans are for the day; if the weather makes your planned activity miserable, then you will also be miserable. Otherwise, you will be able to see the beauty that is nature.

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