Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Animal Relationships

What did I do wrong? Why did they hurt me? Why did they abandon me? Will I die today? Imagine asking yourself these questions. You at least can speak up and seek help but others who are victims of these thoughts cannot. In the United States alone, hundreds of animals are abused every day. Around 10 million are abused every year from multiple methods. What’s the preferred way to carry out this sick pleasure? Burning and shooting animals. This sounds horrible, but it doesn’t happen around you, right? Of course not. You might be in your homes, with the doors closed to all the unpleasantries of the outside world, enjoying your mother’s cooking, while your neighbor’s dog is tethered by a rope-burned neck to a tree stump. Its movements are restricted to the length of that rope, so it walks back and forth in its own filth.  I believe it would be too sad to tell you about the sweet kitten who was hung from a belt in an apartment and had its suffering videotaped for a Halloween prank. How many times have you turned a blind eye to little Billy from across the street when he pulls his dog’s ears and later when he gets older, when he kicks him whenever he’s mad and then once that dog becomes boring, when it  becomes Billy’s shooting target? It’s time for a reality check; animal abuse is all around us. Next time you walk pass an act of abuse, think about this; that dog can whimper and bark but it can’t say stop. That animal can cry and cower all it wants but it can’t cry for help. But you can. Use your voice to stand up for yourself and for an animal that needs your help.    

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